Chapter 5

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Bellatrix sat in the forbidden forest, looking out over the little stream that flowed freely away.
She took a deep inhale of the night air, the cold air filled her lungs, shivers running all over her body due to her lack of clothing, but she didn't care as she brought the bottle to her lips. She'd soon forget the coldness. Soon forget the look of both concern mixed with fear in those blue orbs.

She'd soon forget it all...

Pain, was the first thing Bellatrix felt, pain and the cold, freezing cold as a matter of fact.
And a voice, a voice calling her name.

"Oh my word Bella! Bellatrix!" She knew that voice, why did she know that voice?
Rustling and hurried footsteps entered through her ears and echoed loudly in her mind.
Something was tugging at her.
"I jus' foun' her like this, so I came 'n got yer Professor. Was afraid to move er, she'd ave me 'ead or sumn."

"Bellatrix wake up, please." Minerva rushed to the woman, carefully turning her over. A groan assured her that this insufferable woman was still alive.
"Oh thank merlin." She whispers, taking a sigh of relief.
Bellatrix hisses as she opened her eyes, the sun beam coming through the trees was not wanted, it hit her eyes the moment she opened them. Her head was spinning, and her eyes she wanted to rip out and throw away. She squinted against the light, barely making out the figure hovering above.

Minerva brushed some messy hair from the woman's face.
"Stop it." Bellatrix mumbles slapping the hand away, she slowly sat up, regretting it instantly as her head began to spin. The witch hissed, reaching for her head. After a minute she finally opened her eyes and instantly met blue swirls, and boy were they close. Minerva was merely inches away, far too close for Bellatrix's comfort. The dark witch cursed the woman before, especially when her perfume hit Bellatrix's senses beckoning her to come closer, to bury her face in the crook of the woman's neck and take a deep inhale of that wondrous scent. Her eyes shifted to lightly tinted lips for a split second, before catching herself and cursing her own impulses.

"What are you doing!" Bellatrix growls moving away as far as she could before colliding with a stump. Hurt flickered in Minerva's eyes before she quickly gained control.
"Making sure you're alright, you were out here for Merlin knows how long in the freezing cold and"
"I'm fine, now piss off!" She makes effort to stand, but stumbles.
"Oh yes, I can see that." Minerva stood up, patting her robe down.

"What are you looking at you big hairy oaf!" The witch spat in Hagrid's direction, the half giants eyes widen in surprise but he remained silent, not wanting to add fire to the flame.
"Bellatrix! That's no way to speak to Hagrid, especially when he was the one who found you!"
"Oh so you're the one" she pointed an accusing finger at Hagrid
"who got little miss perfect over here." Her voice was deadly, and he didn't know whether it was safer to answer or remain silent.
"Well I err"
"Out of everyone you could of picked you chose her." She snapped nodding in Minerva's direction.
"You could of just left me die!" And just like that the witch was gone.
Hagrid blinked a few times before turning his attention to Minerva who'd fell terribly quiet.

"I'm sorry about the way she treated you, you didn't deserve that." Minerva taps his arm, before picking up the empty bottle.
"Are yer alrigh' ?"
"Perfectly fine, why wouldn't I be?" She offers a smile.


Bellatrix falls to her floor, head spinning far more than it previously had. She was quite surprised she'd actually made it to her chamber, very thankful Albus had lifted the apparition restrictions on her part, she's have not made it walking through the hallways, having to face insufferable students and professors, most of which she didn't even like on a good day.
"Only one way to fix this." She mumbles, crawling to her kitchen. The ravenette holds onto the cupboard, slowly getting to her feet. If it was one thing she'd learned from her father, was that the best way to fix a to drink some more.


Minerva inhaled, drumming her nails against her desk, good thing it was the weekend, Bellatrix was in no fit state to teach this morning. She'd never seen the woman so bad.
Minerva checked the time, having been up earlier than usual this morning breakfast seemed to be so far away, not that she was particularly hungry, she just wanted to get the day over with.

At breakfast Minerva sat drinking tea, the chair beside her empty, no one daring to sit in Bellatrix's chair. She wasn't expecting Bellatrix to join, and at this moment in time she didn't care. She was sick and tired of the woman and her behaviour and always being the one to check on her and nothing was always her thanks. Minerva had no idea what she'd done to the witch to deserve to be treated this way... but there's one witch who might.

The door to Sybil's class opened causing the witch to jump as Minerva walked in.
"Sorry to startle you Sybil, I did knock however I gather you didn't hear..."
"I no, I didn't..."
"That's quite alright dear." Minerva offers a smile.
" there so-something I can d-d-do for you?"
"Well actually there is, I notice how out of everyone you are the closest to Bellatrix and I'd like to know why she hates me so, I've tried asking her but she just scoffs..."

Sybil furrows her brows at the woman before her, confusion written all over her face.
"Sh-she doesn't hate y-you."
"Oh please, for years now she's treated me like dirt and I haven't the foggiest idea why."
"She, she doesn't hate y-you M-Minerva, think, think about it..." Sybil swallows before continuing.
"Y-Your the-the only one I...I know who c-c-calls her B-B-Bella and" the door swung open causing both women to jump.

"What are you doing here?" Bellatrix spat, eyes narrow as she looks between the pair.

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