Poem #1 - Boredom

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(Appelley Publishing Rising Stars Collection)

I've got nothing better to do
So I'm writing this poem for the betterment of society
And for the simple fact that I'm bored out of my mind

I can't wait for time to pass by faster
When will the boredom ever end?
It's driving me crazy, all this mindless waiting

And waiting for what?
An interestingly shaped cloud? An idea out of the blue?
Perhaps I'm waiting for inspiration to strike
But you never know

With a case of boredom this severe
All I can think is of something interesting to do that'll never get done
And listen to time slowly passing by whilst I'm stuck in existence where boredom is my only companion

What to do? What to do?
Three accursed words without which the smith could never shape a masterpiece
Unfortunately, the masterpiece has not yet been shaped in the mind of the smith

And so here I am yet again
Mindlessly waiting for days end
So that boredom might not be my only companion
But hey, what else do I have to do?
It's not like I'm bored or anything

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