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*Time hop 2 weeks*
Everything with Emma has been so amazing so far. She's been over my house almost every day and when we're not at my house we're at hers. When I'm with her it's like we've know each other forever and it just feels so right.
I was in my class during my free period degrading the underclass men's work. Emma had the same free period but since she's captain of the soccer team and states are coming up she has to host practice now.
I was on the last paper when there was a soft knock at my door since I did tend to leave it shut.
"Well hello beautiful" Emma stands in the door way with some Starbucks and a cute smile on her face. she quickly slips into my class for some privacy.
I couldn't help but smile at the women's pretense "What are you doing here Emma don't you have practice?"
"Yeah but they can stretch without me I thought I would stop by here a minute" she pulls me into her arms and connects our lips softly yet sweetly.
"I do enjoy this surprise" I kiss her this time deeper then the first time and her grip around me slightly tightens.
"Sooo... I actually wanted to ask you something" she breaks our kiss and shyly stars at the window.
"What is it dear?" I softly pull her face back to mine
"Ok so you know how Friday is states and it's my last season here ever...I was thinking maybe you'd want to go?" Her face is red and I can practically hear her heart beat.
"oh Emma your so dramatic of course I'll be there" she lets out a breath of relief and I couldn't help but laugh at her stress.
She glanced at the clock and I know she has to go. She pulls me into a final kiss before sprinting out the door back to practice.
The rest of the day went by quickly and next thing I knew it the bell ring and Emma would soon be in my room once again.
As if she could read my mind the blonde was walking through my classroom door but to my surprise she wasn't alone. Her friend Aurora,another one of my students as well.
"So are you really seeing someone or what?" Aurora placed her hand was in on Emma's upper arm.
My blood began to boil and I could feel the rage build up with me.
"I'm really with someone Aurora." Emma pulled her arm away. "Hey Ms.mills ready for today's tutoring I got this project I could use some help on" Emma's voice was shaking a bit.
"Of course Emma go ahead and take a seat in my office. Aurora did you need something as well?" I could see Emma in the corner of my eye looking at me with a small smirk
"Oh um yes I just wanted to let you know I won't be in class tomorrow and here is a note from my mother." Her eyes moved from me to Emma and I was ready for her to leave
"Thank you dear now if you dont mind I need to get back to helping ms.swan I'm sure you can see your way out." I place her note on my desk as she begins to leave
"Oh Emma I told belle we should go to your big game I'll cheer you on for good luck" the girl winked at Emma and this was the last straw.
"Aurora that's enough socializing you should head to the front I'm sure your mother is waiting." I walked to the door and made sure she was gone.
I turned on my heel and walked to my office the rage still circled my body.
"Regina I'm sorry she's really doesn't get the hint. Besides your the only good luck charm I want."she places her hands on my waist and pulls me into her arms.
Being in her arms was like an automatic way to calm me down. I feel safe in her arms. "Well she better get the hint soon because I dont share." This time I make the move and connect our lips for a quick but sweet kiss. A small smile on both of are faces.
"I don't actually have a project I just wanted her to go. Wanna rent a movie and go to your place?"
We usually end up sleeping at my house since it's closer too school.
"That sound nice dear let me just grabe my things"
She grabs her stuff and a bag of mine and we're out the door.
The drive is short and we talk the whole way home. She tells me about her team and how important soccer is for her and seeing her so passionate about it is really attractive.
When we got home we settled down and changed out of the clothes we have been in all day.
"Hey em what do you wanna watch?" She's in the kitchen getting some thing to snack on while we watch the movies.
"Um how about a Disney+ movie try marvel!" She was a total marvels fan and we usually ended up watching an action movie anyways.
"Come sit already Im gonna start it without you" she walks in quickly and sits next to me pulling me into her arms all cuddled up.
We were about half way through the movie and I notice Emma's attention on me.
"Your gonna miss the movie dear." I laugh a bit at her red face
"Your too distracting I can't help it." Her eyes shift down to my lips and all I can think about how perfect this moment is. When we're together it's pure bliss. She makes me feel safe and genuinely happy.

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