Chapter 4: The Undeniable Feeling

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Kamado Tanjiro, 18 years old...

I like Kanao...the feeling I had for her ever since...


"Here, let's make a deal," Zenitsu announced, "if I'm able to confess to Nezuko, whether it's rejection or success, you and boar head will confess too." 

"Why the hell should I be listening to you?!" 

"Zenitsu, I don't think I'm ready-"


. . .

"Good luck onii-chan!" Nezuko said and walk away.

"A deal is a deal," I murmured. 

You can do this Tanjiro, believe in yourself!

I walked towards the garden of the Butterfly estate. This place is so huge that it took me a while to find my way. 

I reached my way to the cherry blossom tree, 'Victory'. 

As always, there would always be a woman standing under there. It's a very beautiful scene. 

I gather up my courage and walk towards her.

"Kanao!" I shouted, grabbing her attention. 

"Tanjiro? Good morning." She greeted with her gentle smile. It makes my heart skipped a beat. 

"Looking at the blossom again?" I asked, trying to bring up a conversation. 

"Yes, every day."

"I see..." 


We stand beside each other, in silence. Is it too late to change my mind? I felt like there is butterflies in my stomach. 

Plus, why would a woman like her want to be with someone who can barely live past 25? 



"Are you okay?"

Am I...okay? 

I suddenly felt determined to confess. I want to tell her how I truly feel!

"Kanao," I started, "there's something I wanted to tell you."

"Hm? What is it?"

"We have known each other for 3 years now, and there's this feeling I have been confused about..." I started.

"Feeling? Sorry, I'm not good with understanding feeling that well either-"

"No, tha-that's not what I mean." I quickly said, sweatdropped at her reply. 

"Eh? I-I'm sorry, I must have the wrong idea." 

"This feeling only happened around you, my heart would start racing and my whole body would get heat up." I continued, "I like you, Kanao."

I did it!

Wait, why is she just standing there? Did she not like me back?  My whole body starts to sweat. 

"I-I mean, you don't have to like me back or anything! I just-"

I suddenly hear a giggle. Before I knew what is going on, she wraps her arm around my waist. Kanao is hugging me. 

"I-I have this feeling around you too, Tanjiro. It feels so odd that I have no idea what it is." She stated, "I even think I have caught a fever or something." 

"Wait, does that mean..."


 . . . . .

"Finally you two! Took you long enough!" Zenitsu complained while drinking his tea. 

"Monjiro, how does it feel being the last one to confess?!" Inosuke asked, feeling proud of himself. 

"You guys seems to have a lot more courage than I have." I praised. 

"Huh? Don't say that! You know how much of a coward I am!" Zenitsu opposed. 

"But I never knew how hard it is to confess your feeling to the one you love until I done it today, you're really brave Zenitsu! I trust my Nezuko to you!" 

"Tanjiro..." Zenitsu wimped, he seemed touched by my words. 

"BUT. If you dare to make her cry, I will hunt you down. Even if I'm dead, I will hunt you in your sleep. Understand?" I threatened. 


. . .

It was night time now. I am sitting on the balcony that face the garden of the Butterfly mansion. Kanao had fall asleep while watching the sunset with me. She must of have been very tired from her job. 

But the thing is that she is laying on my shoulder. 

On my shoulder. 

The night breeze blew through, it's rather freezing. Out of inctinct, I put my haori over her shoulder. I don't know how long we have stay like that, but I really do enjoy the moment. 

After a while, I felt my eyelid became heavy. And I soon as I knew, I fall asleep.

??? POV...

"Oi Gonpachiro!! Where the hell are you?!!!" I shouted, walking around. 

Blue eyes had tell me to look for those two since she hasn't seen them after eating. 

I soon walk past a open spot or whatever they called it and saw Hanao laying on Panjiro's shoulder. Are they dead?

I walked towards them and check their breath. Yanao taught me this when we have a mission together. 

They are breathing then why are they not moving? 

"Hey boar head! What are you doing?!" I heard a noise, it's like whisper, but it's like shouting too. 

I turn my head and find Monitsu standing there. He soon dash over here in full speed and dragged me away. 

"Geez you idiot, they are obviously enjoying their lovey dovey time so let them be!" 

"What the hell Ponitsu?!!" 

Yes, a short chapter. 

I'm not good with writing romance, or specifically, two people who are in a romantic relationship since I am still single (AKA, no experience at all). But I will add an unknown POV at each end of the chapter because it's fun. Can you guess whose POV is it?

Anyways, thanks for reading!

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