Exploring the Neighbourhood

Start from the beginning

“Oh, don't worry about Sheldon, hun. He's a real pain in the ass sometimes, but he's a sweetheart. All the guys are. Except for Walowitz, maybe. You really need to come hang with us sometime. Tuesday's usually Halo night...and no doubt they're doing something tonight...I just had to work, as usual.”

Halo night? Yessss. Maybe making friends in California won't be as difficult as I was expecting, she began to tell herself.

After chatting with Penny until nearly 11, Andy left her to close up. She walked into the apartment building, feeling quite buzzed. She sat down on the bottom step to feel less dizzy before walking to her room, and instead, started to zone out.

Knock knock knock.

Hello? Who's there?” Sheldon opened the door to see Andy standing there in her black dress, purple tights, messy long hair, and that shy, sort of panicked look on her face.

Um, hey, Sheldon...”

Andy. Hello. I don't know how to say this but... I've been waiting for the moment you walked to my door. I've been thinking about you since the day in the lobby...I was too shy to come by and see you. I...”

Before he could finish his sentence, Andy gently shoved him against the door, stood on the tips of her toes, and kissed him long and soft. He opened his eyes, feeling things he'd never felt before...looked at her, and pulled her close again for another kiss. He placed his hand on her chest and she kissed down his neck...

“Excuse me” someone said, interrupting Andy's drunken fantasy to walk up the stairs. Flustered, she grabbed her bag and walked to her room. After many trips to the bathroom to check her hair – every time, still messy (fixing hair wasn't her forte) – she decided she would just do it. She'd go to their apartment. Surely someone would be awake. Hopefully Sheldon. Who goes to sleep before midnight, anyway?”

Knock....knock knock.

“Hello? Who's knocking at this hour? Penny?” Sheldon opened the door and suddenly looked kind of nervous. He stood there, wearing his matching pajamas, staring at Andy with almost wide-eyes.

“Um...hey, Sheldon...”

“Hello, Andy. I wasn't expecting to see you so late. Are you aware that I was supposed to be soundly in my bed by 9 pm?”

Going to ignore that comment, she thought.

“...Wait a second, he asked suspiciously, “How do you know my name? You never asked it.”

“I'm totally stalking you,” she joked. Sheldon didn't find it amusing...he just looked at her and blinked.

“I'm...I'm kidding,” she stuttered with a little laugh. “No...I kind of accidentally met Penny at the Cheesecake Factory tonight. We chatted a bit and she told me a little about you and Leonard and the guys.”

“And why are you here? Do you need something or shall I go back to my nightly rituals before bed?” Damn, she thought. He was being so difficult to speak to.

Just then Leonard walked out of the bathroom and noticed Sheldon at the door. “Hey, who's there?”

“Leonard, this is Andy.. Andy, Leonard. I'm not sure why she's here, actually,” he looked back at her.

“Hey, Leonard, nice to meet you. I just moved into 3A. I actually...” she wanted to come up with something quick, to avoid looking pathetic enough to actually come here to chat at midnight with people who weren't far from strangers, “I was wondering if I could borrow some milk? I haven't had a chance to buy groceries yet.”

Hm, nice save, she thought...maybe? Leonard replied before Sheldon could decide wether or not he wanted someone to take his milk. “Sure! Just take the carton and bring it back up tomorrow?”

“But, Leonard, what if I wake up tonight and need some warm milk to help me get back to sleep?” Sheldon says in his worrisome tone.

“I think you'll be fine for tonight, Sheldon. Let's be good neighbors,” Leonard says through gritted teeth, obviously slightly embarrassed by Sheldon's behavior.

“Thank you so much. I'll bring it back tomorrow morning in case you need it for breakfast. Nice to meet you, Leonard. And nice to see you again, Sheldon. Good night!” She turned around and walked downstairs. Wow, she thought, didn't quite go like my daydream, but it's a start.

“She seems sweet,” Leonard told Sheldon. “Yes. She is nice. Quite clumsy, and I wish she would buy her own milk, but nevertheless, nice.”

“She's sort of cute too, hm?” Usually Sheldon wouldn't pay any attention to this comment, but he feels himself blushing. What if she had come to see me? He thinks. There's a 24-hour convenient store a block away...she could have bought milk. No, Sheldon, don't flatter yourself...maybe she's broke...you're an extremely genius physicist, but you aren't an expert at social protocol.

“Good night, Leonard”

“Good night, Sheldon.”


Is it worth posting the third chapter, guys? 

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