2. Blobfish

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"Get the fuck up!"

I groan, grabbing my head at the loud noise reverberating through my painful skull. It feels like metal, and the noise is like an annoying ping-pong ball bouncing back and forth inside.

"Kid, get up!"

I get hit in the head with a pillow, making me sit up straight, eyes unable to open in the brightness of this room. Why the fuck did they put me up in the room with all the sun? Don't they know me at all? I need darkness. Lots of fucking darkness.

"Leave me to die in my own waste, please." My cracked, gravely tone sounds like I was on a bender. Accurate.

"Bro, you've been here two nights already, haven't seen you in the light. Get the fuck up and wash your nasty greasy-ass mop. We have a guest coming over," Hawke says, opening the windows of their disgustingly gorgeous beach home.

Yep. I'm at Hawke and Cole's beach house. My good friends and newfound lovers told me to come fly out for the summer, specifically to work with my over-protective brother-from-another-mother, Hawke, now that they are all comfortably moved in.

A fresh start for me in their new fresh start. His reasons for bringing me here are probably different from the reasons I came. I want a new sea of fish to fuck. He wants me to get an actual job that doesn't involve slinging dope. We'll meet somewhere in the middle, I'm sure.

The place is insane. It's got nothing but views of the ocean in every floor length window that faces it. The beach is down below, ready for me to fuck it up with some wild, sandy sex. I've already envisioned it. Just like the ocean sex. Salt and sand in places unimaginable. I can't wait for the chafe.

"You know me. I thrive in the night. Call me Goliath. Stone by day, warrior by night." I recite the opening to my favorite cartoon in a dark voice.

"Ten minutes. She'll be here in ten minutes."

"We were betrayed by the humans we were sworn to protect..." I continue the introduction to Gargoyles in my drunken state before sitting up abruptly. "Wait, did you say she?"

I snap out of my nostalgic moment when I hear the mention of a chick.

"Cole's sister, you idiot. She'll be here soon, so get yourself together. You smell like a wet dog."

I lift my arm, smelling my armpit before making a funny face at him.

"I like the smell of mutt. It's endearing. Bitches love it."

He scowls at me, looking down at me in disgust.

"I mean bitches, like literally bitches." I sigh as he continues to glare at me. "Female dogs? Because I'm a...dog? Do you, you get it? Fuck, it's too early for this." I run a hand down my burning face.

He rolls his eyes and walks back out into the massive living space separating my room from the other half of the house.

After showering, snorting a line off the bathroom counter, and throwing on my black ripped jeans paired with a ripped-up, holey t-shirt from an Ohio band concert, I scruff my white blonde hair in the mirror. My eyes are still bloodshot from the night before, but the eyebrow ring distracts from it. I think. Fuck, who am I kidding? This is me. Strung out and living off stimulants. Take it or leave it.

"Big Bird! Come to mama!" Cole screams out, running towards me in the living room once I make my appearance, grabbing me into a big hug.

Big Bird. She still hasn't dropped it. I got high as fuck hanging with them back home before they left and, for some strange reason, started announcing every letter of the last word of the conversations. "D" is for disaster, "C" is for cunt. I began teaching an alphabet lesson, and apparently the nickname stuck.

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