When finally went upstairs and was out of sight, she gestured and shouted for them to run.



"I just really can't believe that Lizzy did it." Sophie said, anger evident on her face. "How can she do that to my twin?" she added.

She was with the 3s, Stacy and Sharaizah. They were at a very fancy club, and was sitting at the VIP area. Loud music could be heard around the room.

"Sophie, relax. Okay?" Stacy comforted her.

As the two continued to talk they noticed their friend, Sharaizah, was quiet and seemed to be deep in thought.

"Sharaizah, something wrong?" Stacy asked.

Sharaizah quickly snapped out of his trance once she heard her friends voice. She looked at her and smiled.

"I'm fine." she then got up and excuse herself. "I guess, I need to go now.I have to do something important. Have fun, you guys."

She was about to walked out but Sophie grab ahold of her wrist causing her to stop

"You're acting suspicious nowadays, why?" Sophie asked with an accused tone.

"Do I?.... Well, then I'm sorry. But I assure you guys, everything is fine." she smiled at them to try to reassure them, which they kinda buy.

"But how?" Stacy asked. "You didnt bring your car."

"I'm good. I'll just walk." She said and exited.

Once she exited the VIP area she quickly dashed out of the club.

As she was walking at the sidewalk, she remembered the article that she saw at home.

'Black world:Possible to open again?' the article read.

'No way.' she said to herself, as she combed her hair back, she felt like suffocating. She couldn't imagine what would happen if the Black World will open, it will be disaster and it would mean war.

As she was walking she was lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice two guys walking toward her direction, and she bumped at them.

Thankfully, she didn't fell since it bumped wasn't that hard.

"I'm sorry." she apologized, not looking up.

The two guys checked her out, and looked at each other with a knowing look.

When they didn't respond she proceeded to walk but was blocked with the two guys.

Sharaizah gulped.

"E-Excuse me, I-I need to go." she said, as she tried to walk to the side but was still blocked by them.

"How about you go with us and have a lovely night, sexy lady." the guys said with a pervert smirk and look.

Sharaizah tried to get away from them but they got ahold of her arm.

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