Quiddich gamed and duchebags

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Today was the day. Today was the first quiditch game of the season against Ravenclaw. James and Sirius woke up half past eight and changed to their quiddich uniforms. On their way down Sirius saw how James kept cracking his knuckles, a safe sign that he was nervous.

"Okay James you need to chill. Last time you were this nervous was your first game in third year. We are going to win against Ravenclaw." Sirius said as they came closer to the great hall. "Look mate.." Sirius continued when James didn't look convinced. "We have you who is an amazing chaser, Clarice and Mary too. Then we have Charlie Smith who never misses the snitch and Julia even though she is small is an amazing beater."James looked up and continued Sirius list " Yea and then we have you padfoot, Sometimes i wonder if you were born to do this mate, and at last as much as I hate to admit this but Rolf is a good keeper".

"oh.. hey Potter I didn't see you there, but yea you are right I'm amazing." Rolf said with a smirk. Sirius sighted and they sat down at the table with their teammates. Mary who was now seated besides James spoke up. "Ravenclaw won't stand a chase, Lola Stewerts broke a bone in defense yesterday and can't play, guess who their seeker is, Xenophelius Lovegood" At this James laugh for the first time that day. "If that toss pot is the seeker I bet we could put Evans as our" Sirius said with a bark like Laugh.

It was common knowledge that Lily Evans, one of the school's brightest witch, couldn't ride a broom. The lunch continued and after half an hour the team went down to the pitch and to the changing rooms.

The whole team was now in the locker room. It was ten minutes before the game. James could hear all the students who were on their way up the pitch. "Ehm... okay team we will win this, Ravenclaw won't stand a chance, we got two amazing beaters'' At this both Sirius and Julia smiled. "A seeker who couldn't miss the snitch even if he was blind" This made the team laugh. Even though it hurt James to say this he continued. "A keeper who didn't miss one ball on the tryouts." Rolf puffed his chest at this "And three amazing chasers." Cheering broke out and they marched out to the stadium.

James shook hands with Molly Adams, the Ravenclaw captain, and sat up on his broom. As he looked over the stadium he could see Peter, Remus, Lily and Rachel caring for Gryffindor. Just as he was about to look at madam Hooch he noised the commentator, Severus Snape.

Remus stood in the audience and as madam Hooch blew her whistle James flew up and caught the quaffle. Remus Looked at Lily who had her eyes focused on the game and smiled. It was almost impossible to get Lily to a game. He imagined now that she was going out with Rolf, she would be comming to all the Gryffindor games.

Remus saw how Sirius shot a bludger at a Ravenclaw player so Mary got the quaffle. Mary threw the ball to James who scored. Cheering broke up from the Gryffindors and Snape spoke up. "Ah..I didn't think Potter could focus on two things at the time. I mean what a man, he can focus on the game as well as his hair". The game continued and Rolf managed to save quite a lot. After 20 minutes the score was 125 - 200. Snape continued to roast the Gryffindors. But then it happened. It went fast, Xenophelius didn't have a chance. When Charlie started diving after the snich Xenophelius was on the other side looking at some flowers. After a few seconds he stopped and Charlie had the snich in his hand. The Gryffindor crowd broke up in screams and started cheering.

Gryffindor had just won the game against Ravenclaw with 125 - 350.

James was surrounded by his teammates as they reached the ground. He saw Lily, Remus,Peter and Rachel running towards the team. The team split up as Lily trews herself at Rolf who hugged her back. James thought that if he didn't release her he might vomit. But then it happened. Lily hugged him. It was a short and friendly hug, but SHE HUGGED HIM.

The team and the rest of the Gryffindors went up to the common room to celebrate. Peter and Remus had before the game borrowed James invisibility cloak and walked to hogshead through one of the ways to hogsmead and bought butter beer. He noticed that Sirius was drunk and was hugging/ clinging on Remus who was blushing. James gave Remus a thumbs up and laugthed. He knew they liked each other; they just didn't say it to each other. The party was in full swing when he saw them. Lily and Rolf. They sat in one corner and kissed. Lily had her arms around his neck and Rolf had his arms around her waist. James wanted to puke.

"I see that you have discovered them, I didn't think Lily was the type to make out in the Common room" Mary said. "Nah... me neither.." James mumbled. He cheeked the time, it was eleven. "I think i should call it a night, goodnight Mary." Mary looked at her friend sadly and replied. "goodnight James."

Lily saw James head up the stairs and broke free from Rolf and said a light, I'm coming soon . She walked up to Mary who now talked to Rachel and said. "Why isn't James here?" Mary looked at her with a disappointed look and replied. "He didn't feel like celebrating anymore and neither do I. Should we call it a night Lills?" She then smiled. "Yea you can go up I'm just going to say goodnight to Rolf".

The girls went up the staircase as Lily walked back to Rolf. "Goodnight Rolf see you tomorrow." Rolf looked at her and replied. "are you going so soon?." "Yea I'm tired and i have loads of homework I need to do in the morning" Rolf nodded and kissed her goodnight.

Lily went up to the bathroom to get ready. Just as she opened the door to the sixth year girl dorm she heard Rachel mumble something like "she's coming". She walked into the room and began to change to her pj:s and Rachel spoke up. "Lils, what do you even see in Rolf? Can't you see that James is hurt when you show it in his face." Lily couldn't believe her ears. "What has James with this to do, and I don't mind when you were making out with Smith last year." "Yea but that is besides the point. The point is that you totally destroyed James tonight. Do you need to make out in front of him, you know he likes you. I'm not saying that you shouldn't make out with Rolf just have a little respect". Lily didn't get why they supported James but not her bud decided she didn't want a fight. She replied with a soft yea and went to bed. When she thought about it what Rachel said made scence. She then thought that she needed to talk to James tomorrow.

As Remus was dragging a drunk Sirius up the staircase he saw something he couldn't believe, no he changed his opinion, he could totally believe this. Rolf sat in the corner with Sally. She was sitting in Rolf's lap kissing furiously. Remus knew that he was known for this but how dare he. How dare he be disloyal to Lilly, Lily was almost like his sister. She was the only one other than the boys who knew about his furry little problem.

He decided that he would tell Mary and Rachel, Lily's friends about this tomorrow. But first he needed to get the boy he was caring, and currently was kissing his neck, to bed.

(An. Aghhhh this was so fun and difficult to write. I suck at writing Quiddichscenes but i love some wolfstar ;))

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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