Hogwarts Express

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Lilly sat in her dad's blue Ford angela on her way to the station. Today was the first of September which means that she would go back to Hogwarts. She pressed the radio button and and Don't stop me now with the muggle band Queen was on the radio. They sat there in silence as Mr Evans asked his daughter.

"So, are you excited for another year"

"Yea" Lily answered quietly. In the morning she had been getting into a fight with her sister. They always argued nowadays but today was more than normal. She didn't know what started the fight but It still ruined her mood.

Five minutes later they were at the station and Lily said goodbye to Mr Evans.

"Goodbye Lily, I see you on christmas break." Mr Evans said.

"I don't know if I will be home for christmas." Lily answered in a quiet voice.

"Why wouldn't you? Is it because of what Petunia said? You know she can say a lot of things but don't mean it." Mr Evans said as he turned to Lily and placed a hand to her shoulder.

"Mom thinks she's right you know. She also thinks I'm a freak." Lily said with teary eyes.

"She doesn't think you're a freak and she will be devastating If you don't come home. Your her daughter , she loves you no matter what" Mr Evans said and hugged his daughter.

Lily said goodbye to Mr Evans and walked onto nine and three quarters.

Loads of people stood before her and the red train was already in the station. She took her luggage and headed for an empty compartment when she heard voices behind her.

"Oi, Lilly! We're here! her friend Marry said.

Lily came into the compartment and sat down next to Rachel.

"Are you okay Lily?" Rachel asked as she looked at Lily.

"Petunia and I got into a fight today, and now mom said she doesn't want me home for christmas." Lily answered as she looked to the floor.

Marry hugged Lilly as Rachel said.

" I know you would want to stay with your family for christmas. But you should know that if you want you can come to us. I'm sure mom and dad don't mind." Marry said and Lily looked up.

"Thank you," Lily said.

Even though they met yesterday to buy school supplies they still had loads of things to talk about. They talked about what had happened over the break, the witch in the daily prophet who had mysteriously disappeared. And the fact that Sophie Baker, a sixth year hufflepuff was now dating Peter Pettigrew. Just as they talked about what subject they would be taking the compartment door slid up and Severus Snape stood in the opening. He looked straight at Lilly and said in a low voice.

"I want to talk to you, now."

"Okay, about what." Lily said in a cold voice.

"I want to talk to you alone" he said as he looked at Mary and Rachel.

"Okay," Lily said as she walked through the door with Snape and now stood in the halway.

"I want to apologize for what i did to you." Snape said.

"You have already told me this Snape." Lily snapped back and Snape recognized that she had chosen to say his last name.

" You didn't listen to me. I'm sorry but.. " Snape said but was chopped up by Lily.

"But what, do you think this was James' fault too? Yes he was an arse but he had nothing to do with what you said to me. He didn't push you to say that i'm a mudblood." Lily said and looked at Snape.

"Don't forget what Potter had done. He is way worse than me. And I said It was an accident" Snape said in a helpless tone.

"How could It be an accident when you say that to any other muggleborn but me. And I don't think he is worse than you. He can be an arse somtimes but he doesn't use dark magic. You do, I don't even understand why you hang out with Mulciber and the others" Lily said and Snape was trying to chopp her off but Lily continued.

"You know Mary and Rachel were right about you. Your biggest wish is to be you know whos biggest supporter, and I don't want to be friends with someone like that." She said and walked back into the compartment while Sape looked at her.

"What happened" Rachel asked as soon as Lilly closed the compartment door.

"He tried to apologize and then throw shit at James and the others," Lily said as she went back to her seat.

"What did you tell him?" Mary asked as she was looking out the compartment window in search for Snape.

"I told him that James.. I mean Potter can be an arse somtimes but he doesn't use dark magic." Lily said as she looked out the window.

"I guess Snape didn't like that." Rachel asked.

"And then I told him that you guys were right about him." Lily said and looked at them.

"You did that?" Mary said with a smile and looked at Lily.

"Yea, he didn't seem so happy after that so I just walked away." Lily answered coldly.

They talked about Snape and the other slytherins when Remus Lupin came through the door and said.

"Lily, we gotta go to the prefects compartment. The meeting starts in two minutes."

"Okay, see you later." Lily said to the girls and went out of the compartment with remus.

"How was your break?" Lily asked.

"Okay i think." Remus answered. "How was yours, did Petunia bother you?" Remus asked.

"Yea, but it's okay. I've talked with the girls about it. Lily answered.

"You can always tell me. I won't tell anyone not even James and the others. Remus said.

"Oh shit! We gotta change! We don't want McGonnagal to take away points on the first day back here."Rachel said as she took out her uniform.

Lily and the rest changed into uniforms and Lily put the prefect's badge on, secured it and looked at the window trying to see her own reflection.

"Lily you look good as always so stop reflecting yourself in the window" Mary said. Lily blushed.

"Potter and the rest of the marauders didn't visit our compartment time" Lily said as she began to walk out the train.

It was dark and rainy so they pulled out their cloaks and put their hands in the pockets.

Mary and Rachel looked at Lily in confusion and Marry then said.

"Yea, and why are you upset, you always hate when they pay a visit."

"Yea I do" Lily said sharply and began to go to one of the self pulling carriages. "come on if we don't take one we will miss them."

Mary looked at Lily and couldn't suppress a smile.

As soon as the carriage had stopped they ran to the big front doors of the castle and came into the entryway.They walked into the great hall where students were already at their table talking. They walked to the Gryffindor table and sat down beside Rolf Woods and Sally Williams who was seven years. Lily noticed that Rolf moved a bit closer and leaned over to talk to her.

"So Lily, how was summer break?" he asked as he studied her carefully.

"Lily looked up and said " It was okay" she then looked at him more closely and saw a big red badge on his uniform. " How does it feel to be head boy?" Lilly asked and looked at the badge.

"Great, I've already talked about patroles with Sandie Smith. I guess we may have patroles together and that. You're still perfect aren't you?" He asked as he looked at Lily with a smile.

"Yes, but last year I was with Remus and that went very well. So I guess I'm with him this year too." Lily answered as he looked at Remus who sat with Peter, James and Sirius as usual.

"Don't count on that, We're making new pairs because we have new prefects. Rolf Woods said as he looked at Remus.

They talked a bit more until the doors opened and Mcgonagall and the first years walked in.

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