𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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TW: Blood

Tommy's POV:

With every step Tommy's worn-out, and water filled shoes took in the sparkling snow, his anxiety welling up in his chest grew by the second, consuming his mind.

The air was cold and damp, weighing on him. His nostrils filling with the smells of fresh pine and newly fallen snow, it was very quiet out here, peaceful, even.

His blonde hair full with cold snowflakes piled on top of one and other from the previous snowing session minutes prior, his eyebrows narrowed, thinking.

There are no villages out here, the boy had been walking for about half an hour in snowy woods and feilds, looking at every corner and spec of land for civilisation, but of course with his luck, Tommy had found nothing.

He cant go back now. Dream has probably found out already somehow that Tommy wasnt there by now, he'd be fucked if he went back.

His only choice was to keep moving forward, the blonde sighed. He wasnt dressed for this weather at all.

Most of his warmth came from the deep layers of bandages he had over his arms, hands, and torso. They were thick bandages, not the little scrawny ones youd find in the back of your nans cubboard when you grazed your knee as a child.

Tommy still has no shirt. The only form of a "shirt" he was wearing was his multiple layers of bandages to hide his wings, an iron chestplate from the iron he had scraped together from his chests and from a quick trip to a nearby cave back at the site, and the cotton blue jumper Ghostbur had bought him so he would always have some blue on him.

He had shorts on, knee length. Tommys legs and feet were going numb from the constant wet snow rubbing against his feet, and the cold from it had spread up his legs, making it a little harder to walk.

The blonde also had wilburs coat, covering all of his arms, torso, and a part of his legs. It was too big for him after all, Tommy was 6'1-3 and Wilbur was a strong height of 6'5.

The teen had always hated how much taller Wilbur was than him. But for this situation he was glad his brother was tall, because of the somewhat heat he could gather from this oversized brown trenchcoat he had stolen was really helping him out.

His shoes were just simple trainers, nothing suited for this type of weather. Fuck, maybe he should have accepted those boots Tubbo had offered him back in L'manburg that matched his old uniform.

The frostbite on the tips of his exposed fingers and feet were getting a little too much, it was getting pretty numb. He could barely even move his fingers to adjust Wilburs coat when it slipped due to its size.

Every move Tommy took the skin on his back would move slightly too, causing a slight stinging sensation with every step the boys numb feet took, but he had gotten used to it over time, ignoring it the best he could.

Tommy had entered a new forest, the trees were tall, covered in snow and scraped the cloudy sky, he could hear birds chirping for their mothers in the braches of the trees, the blonde was always brought warm comfort from the little chirps birds would make, and now he understood why.

The sounds the birds were making calmed Tommy's mind just a little bit as he once again started walking into an open field, filled with perfectly set snow, his shoes crunching with every step.

The boy lifted his gaze off of the ground trying to not concentrate on the calming nearby chirps, and instead concentre on any nearby life, to which Tommy layed his eyes upon a small cabin.

"Holy shit.." Tommy whispered between small giggles of releif.

A cabin.


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