𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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Hey! Remember in this AU Tommy has no idea where Technoblade and Phil lives! <3

He knows Technoblade moved, but never got told where lol and doesnt know that Phil is even living with him or what their home looks like :)

Anyway enjoy the chapter! Sorry its late sobs I had no motivation to write this week (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')
In this story Technoblades house is what it USED to look like :) Back when Ranboo and Phils houses werent there, only the bee machine thingy and Technos house lolz

Tommy's POV:

Tommy cursed under his breath.

He'll have to go material hunting for the one millionth time this week.

The teen had grown an intense hate for getting things for himself because of a certain green masked man, it felt like an uninterrupted loop with a hamster wheel that Tommy himself was taking steps in over and over again.

Dream would blow up almost everything he owned every day the green man visited. Which wasnt that often, but Tommy had put hard work into the little things he had gathered before his regular visits. Many, many times.

Dream visited a few times a week, usually three at max. But it was Friday and Dream never visited the blonde on Fridays so the stress of the man coming anytime today was swiftly pushed off of Tommy's shoulders.

"..This is going to be much harder than last time.." Tommy whispered to himself, looking at his bandaged hand that was slightly stained with blood, knowing that no one else was anywhere near the exile site.

as so he thought.

Tommy's back was still in some pretty intense pain seeming as his wings were bound up, pressing up against the holes they popped out of. But he sucked it up.

If he wanted to do anything or get away anywhere, he'd need supplies.
The boy then set out to the nearby basically demolished woods, stumps of dead trees cluttering the whole area, Tommy had lost count of how many times he had come to the exact same area wanting the exact same thing.

He didnt even have the materials for an axe. He had to punch the wood with his already injured hands. This'll be fun.

Two hours later

Tommy was quite proud of himself considering his back situation, the boy had gathered quite alot of things.

Along with feeling incredibly light-headed while collecting, tripping and falling many times because of his dizziness, causing a few scratches and bruises on his un-covered knees.

He opened up his inventory.

Oak planks (64)

Oak planks (64)

Oak logs (37)

apples (6)

Iron axe (1)

Iron sword (2)

Iron pickaxe (1)

Stone pickaxe (1)

Iron ingots (34)

Torches (64)

Torches (41)

Bandages (24)

Water bucket (1)

Iron chestplate (1)

Bow (1)

Arrows (12)

Ghostburs food he had gotten from Technos house (10)

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