I can't do it anymore, two years and half of not having one normal day. I spent the half-past year wishing for Derek to get out of prison, constantly feeling guilty and missing him. Constantly writing to him, while everyone around me thought I was batshit insane.

Then I spent the other half trying to shake off the flashbacks, the triggers, the way I feel followed everywhere I go.

That man is free and presumably sexually abusing other young girls.

How do you even live with that?

It doesn't get easier, at all. Whoever says that, is blatantly lying.

"I've been trying to help. How am I responsible for your problems?" she asks annoyed.

"You wanted to get revenge for me on James, which pissed him off-"

"Again? Veronica. Get it through your thick skull-" She frowns. "It wasn't James. James never had that proof of Derek selling drugs."

I stare at her confused, tired, and sick of all of this. I just want to run away... but the last time I tried doing that, it backfired.

"Got it. Was it Alexander?" I mock her.

She doesn't reply. Since when does Irène not have an answer?

"I give up. I don't want to know."

"Good, because Derek rejected my visit despite the consequences."

My eyes widen, "despite the consequences?"

"Hmph-" she doesn't answer my question, again.

I roll my eyes, irritated. "Of course, he refused you. He knows you are my friend and you are up to no good."

She scoffs. "I've done for you more than I have ever done for anyone else ever in my entire life."

Irène opens the door and I walk past her, completely throwing myself on the bed.

I want to shower, maybe ice-cold water could help me. Though, I don't know if I would be comfortable in the communal bathroom at night while the water is running.


I sit in bed, the bedside lamp is flickering and I cannot sleep.

"Are you awake?" Irène whispers as I pretend to sleep, shutting my eyes close. "I hate fighting with you," she whispers.

"I know what everyone thinks of me, and I usually don't care but weirdly, I care what you think of me," she admits.

"Do you think I'm a bad person?"

I scoff, forgetting that I'm supposed to pretend I'm sleeping. Since when does Irène Leroy wonder whether she is a bad person?

"Sometimes good people do bad things," she continues.

"I think your perception of being good is fucked up," I finally speak.

She sighs and stares at the ceiling for a while. I've never seen her like this. She looks almost... vulnerable.

"I know I've done wrong things but there is this one- thing that will fuck me up for life," Irène explains and I can hear her voice crack at the end of the sentence. Is she crying?

Gone Girl 2Where stories live. Discover now