Chapter Twenty Four

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Sandra gently placed a kiss on Laila's head as she tucked her into bed. She had just tucked Louis and then Laila, but now, as she closed the door of Laila's bedroom, it all felt strange and dead. The house was still and it felt like she was stuck in the past, somewhere in a place she didn't know; stuck in the same page, yet, an ounch of her wanted to stay there. Cate stayed at the hospital for a day, and they haven't spoken since they arrived in New York. She wanted to text her, to call her, but as her fingers would dance on the screen of her phone, a strong forceful energy would repel it from doing so; she tried, she really wanted to hear her voice, but she didn't have the courage to do it. She didn't know if Cate needed her, or if Cate wanted her to stay away; she was confused.

She spent the whole day with the kids, trying to patch up the lost days when she and Cate flew to France, yet her mind wasn't with the kids, it clung to Cate. And even if she was trapped with Laila and Louis' kisses, hugs, and giggles, she still had her phone, clutched so hard by her hand, patiently waiting for it to ring, waiting for Cate. She almost cried when Louis asked her where their mama was, but she masked it with her smile. Of course, her little kids didn't have to know what was really happening. They're too young, blinded so much by naivete and innocence, and she didn't want to blur them. 

The brunette sighed as she walked down the stairs while she tightened the ties of her black silky robe. It was still eight in the evening, still so early for her to sleep, but if she was being honest, she wanted to sleep. She could fall asleep at eight because she's exhausted, but a part of her wanted to stay awake, in hopes of cathing her lover if ever she would come back home. The brunette silently turned the lights off, turning the lamp on the living area instead. She wanted darkness - wanted to bury herself in the hollowness of its vibe, wanted to just be invisible for a little while because in darkness, she could cry without having to hide her own tears, and so she did. 

She didn't know how much time she had spent crying silently on the sofa, but she stopped when she heard a car had pulled over outside. Sandra rose up right away and when she opened her door, there was Cate. Her eyes were weary and sad. Thunderclaps escaping the drapes of her ocean blue eyes.  She was still wearing the clothes she wore two days ago. Cate stood by her door silently as she stared back at Sandra, who was also silent by the door. Sandra didn't help but to notice the bags under the blonde's eyes, lips chapped and shoulders slumped. In that very moment, she just wanted to scoop her in and kiss her sweetly, but she was afraid that it wouldn't help. 

"You want me to run a bath for you?" Sandra chose to break the silence, a small smile of hope plastered on her face as she looked at Cate. 

It took a little while before Cate answered, "Only if you'll be with me." Her voice was low, but she heard it. 

Sandra silently nodded as she got Cate's bag from the blonde's hand. She then snaked her arm on Cate's waist as she helped her get inside. And then their skins touched, it was when Sandra realized that the warmth of Cate will always be her favorite holygrail.


Cate watched as the brunette poured salt and chamomile into the tub. It took a short while and when the tub was ready, she was still standing by the bathroom's door.  Her eyes roared as sbe watched Sandra turning around to face her. 

"Your bath is ready." She spoke softly. 

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