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"You laugh I laugh, you cry I cry, you fall I too fall because I was laughing so hard"

Let's begin~

Sm1: Woah tf?! He was flirting, you were flirting, you guys were flirting!

Sm2: Yeah.. um.. maybe I'm kinda intrested in him.

Sm1: The freaking hell! Did you forget last to last year?

Sm2: Yeah I remember, we didn't spoke to eachother for almost 2 months but later I and he had important stuffs to tell eachother so we got back.

Sm1: And and because of it I and ._. had to hang out with either you or ._. for those months because you guys couldn't bare eachother for even a second.

Sm2: Yeah whatever.

Sm1: It's not whatever, I don't want the past to repeat itself.

Sm2: But that was years ago and now everything is normal. I'm hanging out with him and he is hanging out with me.

Sm1: You're impossible.


Sm1: Be more careful from the next time because I don't want anyone to hurt my bestfriend!

Sm2: I'll try my best. I too care for her feelings and her more than she does.

Sm1: Do you have feelings for ._.?

Sm2: The answer isn't no.. but I'm currently interested in ._..

Sm1: Noicee.

Sm3: But I think ._. is much better.

Sm2: If you think she is better, why don't you go after her?

Sm3: Woah woah! No way! Stop there! You're on the wrong path! I'm happy that we are good friends and besides I like somebody else.

Sm1: The freak! Tell me who the hell is it?

Sm3: I'm not telling you.

Sm2: I think I know who is it.

Sm1: I thought we all were friends- But I guess I was wrong.

Sm2 and Sm3: Stop being the drama queen you are dude!

Sm1: You guys know me so well...


Sm1: What about a dinner together pretty lady?

Sm2: Sorry I can't, I have a boyfriend.

Sm1: Boyfriend? Who?

Sm3: Me. Any problem?

Sm1: Obviously not.

Sm3: Good. So now get lost and stop flirting with my girl.

Sm1 walked from there.

Sm2: Looks like he has a company.

Sm2: Gross.

Sm3: Totally.

Sm2: Don't act like that, you so wish it was you in place of him.

Sm3: ._.?!

Sm2: The HELL?!


Sm1: Are we doing the beach party?

Sm2: Ofcourse we are because I want to hangout with the group without this so called drama.

Sm1: But bro, you are a part of the drama.

Sm2: Me?! I am not the one dating ._.!

Sm1: And I'm not the one who kissed ._.!!

Sm2: But we are fine since then like it never happened. We literally hung out yesterday alone.

Sm1: And you guys were flirting!

Sm2: But that's what we do everyday, it's normal.

Sm1: Fine. Let's go they are waiting outside for us.


Sm1: If you don't give ._. a chance now, you might regret forever.

Sm2: Did you ever thought that you have chances of being a motivational speaker?

Both laughs.

Somewhere else

Sm3: ._. thinks I still like ._.

Sm4: Why in the world would she think that?

Sm3: Maybe because she thought I was looking over ._. all night.

Sm4: You actually were, I caught you more than 10 times. Do you still like her?

Sm3: Maybe I do, but i can't risk ruining everything.

Sm4: Don't regret at your past, focus on present. You know you are trying to force yourself to have feelings for ._.

Sm3: And what about you trying to force feelings for ._.?

Sm4: From where did ._. came from in this conversation?

Sm3: Just like ._. did.

Sm4: The devil is here.

Sm3: What did she text you?

Sm2: You were the reason because of whom my party went in that way?

Sm4: Look ._. -

Sm2: Get lost.


That's it for the prologue!
A story full of comedy, romance and a bit of drama.

Are you excited or you just left it in the middle?

Keep guessing and do comment who do you think who is!

Stay tuned for the first chapter!

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