A Not-So-Straight Collar

Start from the beginning

"Man, I didn't even realize I fell asleep there..."

"Hmm? Oh it's fine. It's nice to hug someone at night I guess."

He chuckles. As he looks up, I feel the extreme urge to kiss him. The way his eyes move up is just...

"How did you sleep?"

"Pretty great, considering I had a hard time breathing with somebody sleeping on my respiratory organs. And you?"

 "I slept better than I did in a long time. But if it was such a big problem you could've just moved?"

There. The question was on the table. This was his chance to explain himself. The clock hits 7:44. 

"I don't know man, I also fell asleep. And it's kinda hard to get someone off when there sleeping... Bodies are heavier than you think.."

Shit, that made so much sense. I want, no I need to get out of this bed. Away from the embarrassment of thinking there would be something between us. I get out of bed and walk towards the door. I look back and see him snuggled up in bed. He is so cute... what if I just walked back and snuggle him to death? 

"I'm just quickly gonna get dressed and make some breakfast."

He smiles. Fuck, that smile is too adorable. My heart almost explodes.

"That's okay, I'll be down in a sec."

I walk out the door and carefully shut it. When the handle comes up I let out a deep breath.

Shit. Fuck. My bathroom is hot. I throw water on my face and look myself in the eye. This is the face of a man who walked into his crush's room crying, got comforted by him, fell asleep and woke up in his arms and still did not try to make a move.

I should get back there and tell him how I feel.

I am almost prepared to do it, but then I remember him apologizing for holding me. "..sleeping on my respiratory organs." He saw me as a burden. I grab a new pair of underwear out of my drawer and throw on some pants. My hands are shaking so much that the buttons of my shirt slip through my fingers, so I leave the top ones undone. I roll up the sleeves and quickly roll the collar down. A little bit of water will fix my hair. I hope.

The pancakes are almost done when I hear him come down the stairs. I turn around and see him wearing my hoodie. Oh fuck. My heart races and I am dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry. It was comfortable, is it okay if I wear it?"

"Oh- uhh.. yeah, go... ahead." I turn around to hide my blush and my nervousness. He's wearing my hoodie. He picked my clothes over his. I flip the last pancake out of the pan. I try not to look at him too much as I put down the plate of pancakes, but fail when the ceramic hits the table. His eyes dance downwards.

"Your collar.."

His hands reach out.

"May I?"

I smile, remembering how I asked him the same thing yesterday.

"Of course."

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