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Rubbing his eyes because of the sharp glares thrown by already awakened sun he sat on his bed. For other people, including Y/N, morning always brings enthusiasm but for Jimin it brings headache.

Checking the clock hanging on the wall which just marked 6:30, he finally summoned the courage to get up from the bed.

It took him not too long to take a quick shower and dress himself.

It's when a smooth voice humming a song strikes his ears. A smile made its way on his lips when he recognized the familiar voice.

It's kind of a habit of Y/N to sing a song in the morning. No matter how she sounds, she always sings with full confidence.

With quite steps, Jimin made his way to the kitchen where his beloved girl was humming.

She flinched on the sudden contact of two arms around his waist but smelling the familiar cologne, she calmed down.

"You finally woke up huh?"

"Of course, when someone is singing with such a ear piercing voice anybody could wake up."

He teased her and in a response she digged her elbow in his side making him gasp.

"Your breakfast is ready so please take it on time. I'll be coming on my usual time, okay"

"Wait! Where are you going?"

He asked her while making her look at him. She frowned her eyebrows before sighing.

"Jimin, my lovely mochi Jimin....."

She says while pinching his cheeks which made him fall into a grin that didn't last longer because.....


She yelled on top of her lungs making Jimin's ears literally pierce this time.

Jimin who just had missed a mini heart attack smiled again knowing this as their daily thing. Being best friends since childhood still they are bickering and indulging in cute little couple fights. It is a sign of having a healthy relationship when both are expressive and comfortable with each other.



She was pissed at him to a extreme level now. Passing by Jimin she was about to exit the kitchen when her phone ranged signaling of a notification.

Taking out her phone from the pocket, Y/N saw the message she got. Her frowned expression because of Jimin now turned into a utter shock. Turning around she rushed to Jimin to show him what she saw.

"Jimin... Jimin, look."

Showing her phone to the boy she looked at him waiting for his reaction.

Boy on the other hand showed the same shocked expression with a little gasp and wide eyes.

"I have told you that they are dating but you never believed me. See they are engaged now!"

Phone shows a picture of their two college friends smiling and hugging each other with the caption 'Official now'. The bad relation of Y/N with the girl on the screen made her cring a bit.

Both Jimin and Y/N were a couple now but still the gossiping feature which they shared as best friends with each other is still alive. They both are still bitching and gossiping about random news and sharing their top most secrets to each other.

"Yeah! This bitch is marring to Kim Woo Bin like the Kim Woo Bin. She is lucky...."

Pouting a bit she looked at the picture again but her attention didn't last long when the boy near him dragged her by her arm to face himself.

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