The contestants stand there in their competitive faces and the snake hisses at them.

Kobe: Let's get bouncing. Jump around.


The snakes starts spitting out yellow and purple basketballs.

Heath: For once I'm winning.

Brittany: You're good.

After about a minute, multi-pearls start to appear.

Kobe: Stay on your toes, here come the balls!

Bernie: Bernie Mac! You're winning! I'm unstoppable!

Anna screams as she struggles to get the balls to stay out of the gutters.

At the 1:00 mark, more multi-balls start to appear

Anna: Yeah, more action!

Paul: Oh, brother.

The game starts to fall into a frenzy before eventually ending a minute later.

Heath Ledger and Patrick Swayzr ended up winning that game.

Chadwick: Alright, now the next game is called 'Swinging from a Vine'. You're going to leap from swing to swing, scoring points for collecting cheddar cheese blocks and snagging opponents. Just look out for inner tubes. You can ride gold swings for invincibility. You cannot get a high score if you only collect cheese or only hook players. You have to do both to get a good score. Learn to alternate between the two. When you aren't collecting cheese, give wedgies. When you aren't giving wedgies, collect cheese. Use the golden invincibility hook to make yourself immune to wedgies. You can use this hook to prepare an interrupted double or atomic wedgie. If you hook one or two players, you can hook a second or third right after to still get a double or atomic wedgie, respectively. You have to be quick, though.

Patrick: Oh, that sounds delicious.

Chadwick: It sure does, Pat. So you're going to ride through the sky, jumping from swing to swing, then tread air to slow down and grab cheese from the ropes. You can even hook other players by their pants.

Farrah: Uh...I'm afraid of heights.

Kobe: So, I suppose you wanna sit this one out, chicken?

All the contestants laugh and make chicken noises "bawk bawk bawk" driving Farrah up the wall causing her to snap.

Farrah: ALRIGHT! I'll go, Jesus Christ!

Chadwick: Alright, then let's start grabbing some cheese!

As the contestants ride through the air, the contestants start grabbing cheese and hanging others by their pants. John took a piece of cheese and hung Robin by his pants.

Robin: Hey, that's stealing! I'm back!

Alan: That was weird.

James: Hey, פוכּק you, cheater!

John W: Back from the grave!

As they reached halfway through the sky, the contestants came across a tube field of lifeguard floats. There were about seven lifeguard floats (2 were popped) until the game eventually went back to normal.

Naya: Beat you to it!

Anna: No-good two-timer!

Heath: Yay! I'm winning!

Heaven's Hollywood Angels: The Curtain ReopensWhere stories live. Discover now