chapter two || The new guys

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Butch's pov:

I hit the stupid alarm clock as hard as I could, it's to early for this shit. All you could hear was Brick and Boomer yelling at each other like always, those two never stop. Sitting up, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand. No messages, my phone is really dry. Maybe I can find some chicks to give me their numbers at this school. Wait.. NEW SCHOOL!

I ran out of my room and into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Hell yeah! I get to meet new chicks this school year, and after school we're going to go cause some trouble to see if those Powderpuffs are still out here. When I see Buttercup i'm going to show her how much stronger i've gotten, back when we were 11 those sissy's always beat us! This time they won't, my brothers and I are so much stronger, plus i've gotten hotter so i'll be a distraction.

I finished brushing my teeth so I walked back into my room. I was about to grab an outfit when Brick started yelling. "GO GET THE MAIL BUTCH!" he yelled. Why is it always me?! "LAZYASS!!" I yelled back. I groaned but still went downstairs, I unlocked the door and walked outside. As I was checking the mailbox, I heard a door slam shut. It was Kaoru, the girl that yelled at us yesterday for no reason. She had her skateboard and looked like she was pissed off, maybe I should get even more mad.

"Yo skater girl!" I called out. She looked around for a few seconds then looked right at me. "Why the hell are you shirtless?!" she asked, it seemed like she was getting even more pissed off. Time to get her even more mad, this reminds me of when I would get BC mad. "This is what boys do, are you not used to it?" I smirked. She glared at me even more. "Shut the hell up. I've lived with three guys before, but they aren't you like," she yelled back at me. I closed the mail box then walked back inside. "Yeah not as hot as me," I shouted, I walked in and closed the door.

From the window I saw as she dropped her board on it's wheels, then she skated off. I knew that would work. I laughed as I walked into the kitchen. Brick took a bite out of an apple and looked at me confused. "What's up with you?" he asked. I threw the mail on the counter before I sat down. "I just pissed off the neighbor," I replied, laughing even more. "Who? That Kaoru girl?" he asked, talking another bite out of the apple. I nodded my head yes.

"She reminds me of someone but I just can't remember who.." he mumbled, he leaned on the counter. "Maybe that Powderpuff Buttercup," I chuckled. "It's Powerpuffs not Powderpuffs!" Boomer shouted at us. Brick grabbed a empty soda can and threw it at him. "SHUT UP!! You still like the baby one?!" Brick scolded him. "No! It's been 5 years!!" Boomer yelled back. He was turning red as a tomato. "Your face says other wise," I rolled my eyes. Boomer blushed even more, he sticked up his middle finger at us then ran upstairs.

"STICK THAT-" "Chill! Chill!" I yelled, covering Brick's big mouth. He rolled his eyes at me then took another bite out of his apple. "Let's just head to this stupid school we need to attend," he said, by the tone of his voice, you can tell when hes mad/annoyed. I jumped off the chair in a hurry, "I NEED TO CHANGE!!" I shouted. I ran upstairs quickly to change, as much as I love being shirtless, I need to put on a shirt.

*At School*

Me and my brothers walked into the school building, it was pretty big. There was a lot of people at their lockers. Some girls passing by stopped walking to look at us. "New kids?! You guys are cute!!" one of them yelled. All eyes went on us so everyone started shouting and yelling a bunch of stuff. "What the actual fuck," Brick mumbled to us.

I hate when stuff like this happens. I love attention but not this much attention. I put my arm around two of the girls and looked at everyone around us. "If you don't mind girls/guys, we need to get our stuff, catch ya later cuties," I smirked, I gave the girls a wink before letting go of them. Brick and Boomer started walking away and I followed behind them. The people behind us started doing their own things again. "Nice save Butch," Brick said. "Mhm," I mumbled.

Boomer's pov:

My brothers had a different class from me so we all split up. I had English class, Brick had gym, and Butch had Math. "Where is this stupid class??" I mumbled to myself. I was to busy looking down at my schedule that I didn't notice someone was infront of me. "Woah!" the person yelled, I was about to fall but caught myself. The person I bumped into fell on the floor, they dropped their books and phone.

"Oh i'm sorry!!" I shouted, I looked down at them and noticed it was Momoko. "Momoko?" I asked. She looked up at me confused then gave me a smile. "Oh hi!" she laughed. I helped her pick up her stuff then helped her up. "Sorry about that, I can't find my class so I was busy looking at my schedule," I explained. She nodded her then took my schedule. "Oh you have that class with Miyako!" she giggled.

"Really? Well can you show which way it is?" I asked her, she nodded her head yes and pointed to a classroom ahead of us. "Thanks," I smiled. "Wait what class do you have?" I asked her. "Gym, I hate that class," she replied, rolling her eyes. I laughed at her remark, her friend Kaoru seems to like sports and skating. Maybe her friend likes gym. Meanwhile Momoko seems to really like books and stuff, since she has all those books with her.

"Brick has Gym too," I said. "Really? Well I guess i'll see him there, but I should go before I'm late," she smiled. "See ya," I waved, she walked past me. I started walking to the door she pointed too. I took a peek through the window before walking inside, Miyako was sitting down in the middle of the classroom. She looks really pretty.. I felt myself start to the blush a little. Why am I blushing?! I snapped out of it and took a deep breath before walking inside. I opened the door slowly and walked inside.

All eyes went on me, the teacher stopped talking to look at me. "Ah, you must be the new student!" she smiled. "State your name," she smiled. I rubbed my arm, I looked at all the students.. they were all looking at me. "Hi.. I'm Boomer Jojo," I said. "Aren't you that Villian?" someone shouted. "Hey! Don't be rude," the teacher yelled. I rolled my eyes, this is why I hate being a Villian. But my brothers want to go cause trouble later. Mostly because they want to see the Powerpuffs, I don't believe that they really hate them at this point.

"Sorry about that Boomer, you can take a seat next to.... Miyako!" she smiled. I nodded my head then walked over to her. "I didn't know you would be going here," Miyako said as I sat down. "Oh I forgot to tell you," I laughed. She giggled then looked back over at the teacher. For some reason I kept staring at her, she was looking at the teacher but I just stared at her. Her curly hair was in two ponytails, her baby blue eyes were really pretty. She looked at me but I quickly looked away. Shit! I heard her giggle then look back at the teacher.

I swear she reminds me of someone! I just can't put my finger on it.. who does she remind me of?! Or maybe she's just really pretty so I think I have. I don't know but I think i'm going crazy.

Brick's pov:

I finally made my way through all those girls that were trying to talk to me. The guys looked pissed off but I don't care, I don't want their girlfriends. "New student?" someone asked. I stopped walking at the entrance of the gym. The gym teacher was standing there, the students were behind him looking at me.

"Uh.. yeah.." I mumbled. "State your name," he said. "Brick," I replied. He looked at me closely, this isn't awkward at all. "Nice to know ya son!" he shouted, hitting me on my back. What the hell?! He's strong. "Hey Ricardo! Can you take new guy to get a gym uniform," the teacher shouted again, pointing to a guy. He had brown hair and dark blue eyes like Boomers.

"Sure thing," he smiled. The guy walked past me so I followed behind him. "New guy huh? No offense but aren't you one of the Rowdyruff Boys? You know.. the Villians?" he asked. He continued walking but was looking at me. "Yea I am," I answered him. That all they know me as, this is stupid. He wasent looking ahead so he bumped into someone. They both on the ground, but I noticed the person he bumped into was a girl. "Momoko?!" I asked confused.

She looked up at me confused, "Huh? Oh it's just you Brick." I helped her up then helped her pick up her books. "How many times am I going to bump into people," she giggled. I laughed with her but heard someone go "AHEM!" I looked down, oh I forgot about him. "Sorry I forgot about you," I laughed, giving him a hand so he could get up. "Geez thanks," he rolled his eyes. "Where are you guys going anyways?" Momoko asked us.

"I need to help new guy go get a gym uniform," he answered her. "Ah, I see. Well then see you
both in class!" she smiled. She walked away carrying all her books once again. "Let's go," Ricardo said. I followed behind him as he walked into the office. Butch is the one that likes gym class not me, I mean I like it but not as much as him.

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