-Chapter 8-

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(A/N: thank you all sooo much for being patient with me! I hope you enjoy the chapter, it's a bit of a long one. Btw the 3rd person POV in this chapter is a memory)

I had never seen the ocean before, but I had heard tales. Tales of waves the size of mountains that could crush you in a heartbeat. Tales of how some never came back to land. And tales of what lurked below.

But this was something else completely, this was where I was Queen.

The dark waters roared as the waves crashed into one another, the wind whistled in my ears, my stray hairs flying in all directions . As I took a deep breath I could feel the way the current pushed and pulled the water out to sea, I could feel the schools of fish swimming in the depths. I never wanted to leave.

I watched in awe as the crashing waves sprayed into the air, creating mist that fell all around me. Gathering all the droplets around me, I replicated the seagulls that were swooping and diving, and let out a laugh when the seagulls took a double take as my replica flock flew alongside them.

"Neat trick."

I jumped at the voice almost knocking them in the chin and falling off the cliffside. That's why you never daydream.

"Careful now sweetheart, it would be a pity if you fell." They spoke smugly. I could feel the sarcasm dripping from their voice.

I cursed myself for shuddering as their breath fanned against across my neck, leaving goose bumps in their wake.

I huffed out a breath as I turned towards the voice, but all I was met with was a sly smirk and swampy green eyes. The expression that he wore felt all too familiar.

"What do you want?" I snapped, my eyes starting daggers into his. To his credit, he didn't shrink away, nor did he wipe his stupid smirk off his stupidly pretty face. Surprisingly, he inched closer, taking a couple of moments to respond.

"Calm down sweetheart, i'm only admiring the view."

"Oh it is quite nice i suppose--"

"I'm not talking about the ocean. . ." He smirked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Wow, what more cliche of a response could he have chosen.

"Oh? So stalking people is socially acceptable now?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. He rolled his eyes, a smile playing at his lips.

"Darling, even if I was stalking you, you should still consider it an honour." He smiled, "And just I wanted to make sure you weren't going to fall. I'm not sure what I would say to moi sovereign if I let the pretty one die."

I blinked, "I can handle myself." I said, all the defensiveness from before increased tenfold. He cracked a grin.

"I would be an idiot to assume otherwise."

Narrowing my eyes, I studied his face further.

That smile. The twinkle in his eyes. The boyish grin spread across his face. It all reminded me of one person in particular.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked. Are you somehow the person who I think you are?

For a split second I swore that I could've seen something flash through his eyes. Recognition? Relief? Longing?

"Sadly no," He smirked, "you would've remembered me, I've been told that I'm very unique." But that did nothing to shut down the gears that were turning in my mind.

I hummed an "mhm" as I studied his features further, my eyes landing on his Adam's apple that bobbed as he swallowed. Normally a nervous habit. My gaze trailed back to his eyes, which were already pinned to mine. He then cleared his throat.

DARK WATERS | Nikolai Lantsov x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now