-Chapter 4-

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I woke up at the crack of dawn, stretching my arms above my head. Looking around, I noticed that Alina and I were the only two that were still sleeping, I started to nudge her awake.

"Alina, Alina wake up," I whisper. But since she still wasn't waking up, I decided to improvise. After taking some water out of the ground I dumped it onto her with a big splash. Now she jolted up right away.

"What the hell!" She exclaimed, shivering from the cool water. "Why did you do that?" She asks

"You weren't waking up." I shrugged , sucking all the water away, and distributing it back into the ground. "Come on, let's get going." I say, hoisting her up onto her feet. Walking outside I notice the majority of the Grishas are already packed up and ready. Dropping off Alina at her horse I scurried over to where my horse was waiting, beside Fedyor and Ivan.

"Ah, I thought you were going to sleep forever." Said Ivan, already atop his horse. I rolled my eyes.

"And I thought your receding hairline was a choice, turns out we were both wrong." I countered back, swinging my leg over my horse saddle.

"Hah, she's got you there." Laughed Fedyor.

(A/n: you cannot tell me that at one point Ivan and Fedyor had not tried to be in a relationship)

"We ride for Os Atla, no stops." Commanded The Darkling. Everyone fell into formation behind him, and I prepared for a long ride, and sore thighs.

-Time skip-

-a couple of days-

Passing through the main gates, I couldn't have been happier to be home. Soon enough I could be snuggled up by the fire reading a book.

After sliding off my horse, I passed it over to a servant, and followed the darkling inside the comfort of Little Palace. I watched as The Darkling (a/n: i swear to god, i by accidentally wrote "The Dadkling" before, and cried) whispered to a servant, then ushred Alina up the steps. "We meet back here in an hour." He commanded, his voice echoing off the marble floors and walls. Finally.

Eventually after taking many familiar turns and twists down the halls I ended up at my room, right beside my sisters. Missing her, I sighed, wishing she could be here with me right now. Taking a step into my room, I immediately feel comforted by the familiar sight.

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DARK WATERS | Nikolai Lantsov x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now