Chapter nineteen

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Laylani POV

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Laylani POV

I was organizing De'shawn and I's drawers when I found something in one of his drawers. I picked up the baggy and saw weed and a gun. I wasn't thinking anything of the weed and the gun he said he had the papers for it.

But then I saw this little part in the drawer that looked like you can lift the bottom of the drawer up. So me being mrs nosey I pulled it lifting the drawer part up and my mouth dropped once I saw lots of drugs.

It was way to many drugs for someone to have to use so I knew he was selling. Like this man has everything. I started thinking about what Marcus was saying biggest drug dealer in the city. I thought nothing of it at first but now wtf.

I had nothing against guys selling but I just didn't want to be apart of anything like that. That's another reason I left Marcus because he was in the drug business and I got hurt lots of times because of him.

I started thinking about how De'Shawn literally lied in my face and I could feel tears falling down my face. I heard the front door open and quickly wiped my tears I put the drawer back and everything in it and closed it sitting on the bed.

"Hey bae the kids at Deaja house they wanted to spend the night" he said trying to kiss me but I dodge it

"The fuck wrong with you" he said tryna kiss me again but I dodge him once again

"Yo Laylani stop playing with me" he said sounding irritated

"De'Shawn imma ask you a question and if you lie to me I swear on my kids how do you make your money?" I asked looking him in the eyes so he knows I'm serious

"What you talm bought I told you what I do" he lied it broke my heart to hear him lie to me like it was nothing

"So you have fucking drugs in a secret fucking compartment in your damn drawer for no reason at all nigga" I yelled you can tell I was hurt cause I don't swear like that

"How you see that?" He asked

"I was organizing the damn drawers and I saw it and the bad part is you lied to me in my face like it was nothing" I said letting my tears falls

I looked at him and saw hurt in his eyes.

"I mean do I mean anything to you I told you how I felt about that shit around my kids and told you my past and how I almost got rapped because my ex was in that shit but fuck my fucking feeling fuck Laylani cause she gon be Ight nun gon happen to her right" I yelled

"You right nothing gonna happen as long as I'm here" he said

"Do you here yourself 'as long as I'm here' y'all niggas say that all the fucking time but guess what happens us women end up getting hurt or end up dead but nothing is gonna happen and another thing your barely here" I said

"Like I said ain't shit gonna happen to you or the kids no one gonna mess with y'all" he said lighting a blunt

I couldn't tell if he was serious or not. Like what the fuck is wrong with him. So I smacked the blunt out his hands.

"Yo what the fuck is wrong with you" he yelled getting up

"I can't with this or with you do you just not care?" I asked

"I care but this conversation is for nothing cause nothing bought to happen and I'm not getting out the drug shit so I don't know what to tell you" he said picking his blunt up dusting it off and lighting it again

"Good to know" I said walking out the room and getting my keys.

I'm not bought to sit around and try and save or show a nigga something and he don't even see what I'm talking about. I'm just gonna leave no reason of arguing anymore. I'm more hurt that he lied and was so calm about everything. Like he should've just left me alone. I'm starting to regret ever letting him spend the night. I mean why did my dumb ass let him in I could've avoided that nigga.

As I was driving to Deaja house I got a message.


Where you at Laylani I ain't playing

Leave me be go on with yo life only text me for the the kids

I swear you better be playing

Keep swearing then bye nigga

I exited out or thread and continued to drive. I went to Deaja house I got out my car and locked the doors. As I made my way to her door I saw the door busted open I quickly dropped everything and ran inside. I saw Deaja in Imani room holding her I went up to her and tapped her. She jumped at first but saw it was me and ran and hugged me.

"What happened where my kids" I asked as my heart start beating rapidly

"They took them and they broke my phone so I couldn't call you" she cried in my arms

"Omg what the fuck" I said breaking down Deaja had to hold me so I didn't fall on the floor

"A guy said something about tell De'Shawn to give up the throne but I didn't get what he was talking about because you said he don't that" she said

"Yeah well guess what I learned today" I said

I quickly called De'Shawn after getting myself together.

"What you want thought you ain't want to talk to me unless it was about the kids" I heard him say

"They took them Shawn" I said breaking down all over again

"What you mean they took them?" He said I heard moving around

"Baby talk to me do you know what happened?" He asked

Right when I was about to answer I felt someone put there hand around my mouth. I started to kick but I felt them put something in my neck that made my whole body paralyzed. I could only move my neck and when I did I saw Deaja and Imani knocked out with a man holding them. I looked back to where my phone was and saw the guy from the Mall three years ago I think his name Saint.

"I got yo family nigga come get them back in blood" was all I heard him say into my phone before passing out.

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