"It's too cold for that, I'll just wear this." Arabella said the outfit she had before. She quickly changed into her clothes and put on her shoes before walking out of the dorm room and down to the common room.

Suddenly her body collided with someone else's as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Ow." She said as her back hit the wall.

"Shit. Sorry." Sirius said.

"It's alright." Bella said starting to walk away from him. He quickly grabbed her wrist to stop her from walking further.

"Bells we need to talk." He said seriously.

"Look, I'm sorry about last night it won't happen again." She said before taking her wrist out of his grasp and walking swiftly out of the room.

He stood still for a moment. Never said I didn't want it to happen again, I just said we needed to talk. He thought with an eye roll. Lucky for him Arabella had not been focused on him or his thoughts as he thought.

"Bells wait up." He said jogging after her.

"Sirius I said it won't happen again we don't need to talk." She said trying to walk away, but was cut off by Sirius stepping in front of her.

"I never said I didn't want it to happen again," He winked. "However, we still need to talk. What are you going to tell James when he sees your neck?"

Oh right. "Got in a fight." Arabella said with a shrug.

"No for real what are you gonna say cause I really don't want him to avada me." Sirius said.

"I'll just say I got drunk and made out with some random guy don't stress about it." She said before walking off into the great hall to eat breakfast with her friends.


The three boys and three girls walked through the door to The Hogs Head together, but separately. They hadn't planned on leaving at the same time and they had definitely not planned on going to the same place.

"Are you following us?" Marlene said turning to the boys who were behind them in line.

"Of course not. Don't be shocked, everyone comes here." Sirius replied.

Marlene turned around quickly as ordered drinks for her group before dragging them to a table.

"So was it Sirius?" Lily said motioning towards Arabellas neck.

"Ugh why do you both want to know?" She said with a groan.

"Hey we're your best friends you're supposed to tell us these things." Marlene said folding her arms and leaning back in her chair.

"Fine. Yes it was, he brought me back to our room and I was drunk so I kinda made a move on him." I said taking a sip of the warm butter beer that had just arrived at our table.

"You made a move on him?" Lily said shocked.

"Yea I'm apparently very confident when I'm drunk." Arabella said with a laugh.

"How far did you go?" Marlene asked as she placed her drink on the table.

"Not all the way if that's what you want to know."

"Really? Why not?"

"Well Sirius stopped it before we did anything, didn't want me to do anything I would regret." Bella said with a shrug.

"Hm that's interesting."

"What do you mean?" Arabella said squinting her eyes in confusion.

"I don't know I just kinda- never mind." She said taking s sip of her drink before looking up behind me.

"Well if it isn't my favorite gryffindor!" The three girls heard from behind them.

"What do you want Jack?" Bella said already annoyed.

"Just wanted to know if you would go on a date with me?" He said leaning on the table the girls were sat at.

"Go away Jack she's never going to date you just get over it." Lily said.

"Shut up little mud blood." Jack said with a glare towards Lily.

"Don't you dare talk to her that way!" Bella yelled angrily standing up from her spot.

"Calm down babe, no need to defend the little mud blood." Jack said to Arabella as he placed his hand on her cheek, which was a bad idea.

As soon as his hand made contact with her face she pulled it off he and twisted it backwards causing Jack to let out a whimper. "Don't talk about my friends like that and don't touch me." She said with pure anger.

"Ok ok Bells calm down let's go for a walk." Sirius said coming up from beside her and pulling her away from Jack and from the scene she made.

He guided her away from the village and into the woods where he knew no one else would be. "Bella?" He said looking at her straight in her eyes. "Bella your eyes are glowing red..." he said with his whole face contoured in confusion. "Bella what the hell is going on with you?" He said taking a small step back as he saw her hands glowing with red energy around them.

"I- I don't know- I need to go to dumbledor-" she said with fear clear in her voice.

"Yeah- yeah I'll take you come on." He said taking her though a quick shortcut to the castle. He avoided all the people that had remained in the school as he brought her to his office quickly.

"I don't know what to do-" Bella said, the fear still in her voice, as she looked down at her hands which were only emitting more of the red energy.

"Dumbledor will know just hold on." He said rushing her up the stairs to his office.

They entered the office to see dumbledor sitting at his desk. "Miss Potter what's wrong?"

"I- I don't know-" she said looking at him and showing him the energy that was coming out of her hands.

"I'll call Queenie." Dumbledor said rushing over to a portrait on his wall. "Mr. Black please stay we may need you."

"I wasn't planning on leaving."

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