"WHAT!? it's just me, Miyamura!" He said as he looked over the couch watching down on me.

I blankly stared at him, still scared for my life, but then I started coughing harshly again, Miyamura then left and went to the kitchen.

"Here," Miyamura said handing me a glass of water.

I drank the water, feeling a bit better.

"I brought you some cookies! Specially made by my Mom" He said as he tapped the tray of cookies in the kitchen

"What are you doing here, Miyamura?" I asked

"I came to hang out with you like I always do" he replied

"... So all of a sudden you just came by my home, entered without warning, scared me half to death, and want to hang out with me?" I said

he stayed silent and just stared at me...

"Why aren't you with Hori, seems like Hori has replaced me. You two are always together and you're just there leaving me behind" I said as I mentally slap myself


Did you just say that y/n! Are you an idiot! Now he knows you're jealous! God Damnit!


"I haven't replaced you with Hor-san, I just didn't want to go by Hori-san today," He said as he walked up to me

"Why not, all of a sudden you just didn't want to go to your girlfriend's house and want to hang with me, you even brought cookies to baby me up, do I look like the type of person to be bribe that-"I felt arms wrapped around me 

"Is someone jealous? " Miyamura said placed his head on my shoulder

I didn't respond

"Oh, is someone embarrassed now? I can't believe that you're actually jealous of-" Miyamura was cut off by me pushing him away

"I am not jealous!" I said

"Really, are you sure about that, because what I heard was someone rambling about how I haven't been with them because of another girl... am I correct?" He said with a smug look on his face


Oh goodness, gracious, he isn't as dumb as you think he may be... WHY IS HE CORRECT! 


"Whatever let's go!"I said as I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the house

"What!, go where?" he said

"Aren't we going to the park?" I looked at him

" Oh, but you didn't answer my question," he said with the same smug look on his face

I grabbed him by the hair and brought his face close to mine.

"I am not jealous, so you can take that smug look off your face," I said as I made direct eye contact with him

"Hmmm, let's see, how about we just say that you're jealous and we leave it at that," He said with the same damn smug look

I took a deep breath, threw my head back then forcefully colliding Miyamura's head with mines. 

"OUCH, You dumb idiot! That hurt!" He shouted in pain

"Really, I thought I had hit you softly," I said as I rolled my eyes

He side-eyed me.

"you should put on some shoes," he said as he looked at my bare feet

"OH YEAH!" I ran inside and put on a pair of sneakers

Sickly in love [Miyamura x reader]{Horimiya}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt