Oikawa's smile

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It was now Friday morning and Oikawa being the class president, decided he needed 'help' planning a pep rally and who better to help him out than the new student! 

As the brunette walked across the halls searching for the new face, he ran into his boyfriend. "Haji!!" he ran up to him and gave him a hug. 

"Oi what was that for Kawa?" Iwaizumi questioned as Oikawa usually wasn't one for hugs out of the blue during mornings. 

"Oh nothing~" Oikawa smiled. 

"Whatever you say Tooru," Iwaizumi rolled his eyes jokingly as they pulled apart. "So what are you up to now?" 

"Can't I just be happy in the mornings?" 

"That smile tells me there's something going on," Iwaizumi pointed out as he knew Oikawa better than anyone. Oikawa had many smiles, Iwaizumi had seen every one of them. His favorite was his genuine smile, but by far the most intimidating smile was the one that could also be seen as a smirk, as if the brunette had something up his sleeve. That's the smile he had right now, and only Iwaizumi could tell the difference sometimes.

"Okay, fine! I hate that you know me so well!" He pouted, which resulted in a laugh from Iwaizumi. "Look, I'll explain later but let me just say... I deserve like an hour of cuddles for what I'm about to do," 

"Doubt it." Iwaizumi chuckled, "But I'll see you later then?"

"Yup! Bye Hajime!" Oikawa waved as they split up to go their separate ways. 

It didn't take long for Oikawa to find Daishou amongst the crowd of students. After all, Oikawa was known for never forgetting a name or a face. "Daishou!" he called out as he walked closer to the student who seemed to be about to walk into class. 

"Oh, uh hey?" 

Before Oikawa could get straight to the point, he had to warm up to Daishou first, "how's school been for you? Any troubles? Anything I can help with?" 

"Oh, uh no not really but thanks." he answered as he looked around as if he were searching for someone. 

"Hm, okay then! Anyway, I was hoping you could do something for me!" the brunette smiled. 

"Which is..." 

"I need help with an upcoming pep rally, and I've put together a group of students who are gonna help me out with it! I was hoping you'd help out!" 

"Sorry but I'm not really the 'peppy' kid, maybe ask Terushima, aren't you guys friends or something?" 

"Oh but he's already helping!" Oikawa replied knowing very well Terushima knew nothing of the sort, "Which is why I'm asking you! Aren't you guys friends too? I'd much rather have people that know each other so we work together a lot smoother!" the brunette explained. It almost sounded honest in his opinion , but it was honest enough for Daishou to believe it and that's all that mattered right now.

"Oh. Uh I guess I could go for a bit, but I'm not doing any 'pep' stuff. I'll just help set up or whatever the behind the scenes stuff is." Daishou clarified. 

"Great! Meet us in the cafeteria after school! The pep rally's next week so be there or be squared!" Oikawa cringed at that last phrase but it was to late to take it back. He just had to play it off with another smile. "Anyway, I'll leave you to head inside, the bell rings in two minutes after all! So bye Daishou!" 


As Oikawa walked away, his smile suddenly turned into a small smirk. "All according to plan" he thought to himself. Now it was up to him to gather everyone else. 

(text messages) 


what do you need kawa?👀 

Meet me in the Cafeteria after school today. ❗

For what?

I'll explain when you guys get there!

Fine, I'll be there

See you there !👍

OH! Yeah see you there!😎

Dam, you seem oddly happy 😳

Stfu Teru😐✋

Great! See yall later! :D

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