Half an hour

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It's the next day and as Terushima awoke he remembered he was supposed to meet Daishou today, so he quickly got up, got ready but then he looked at the time. 

"Shit". It was 8:32 am and he was supposed to be in English right now. That's when he realized he had a text from Oikawa asking where he was, but there was another notification that took him by surprise. 


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Since he knew Daishou was now getting him the notes, Terushima decided to take his sweet time getting to school. Normally he'd rush over to class but he decided to make a few stops along the way. However these stops took him a lot longer than he expected, for starters he didn't realize the bakery was so far from school. Though he chose to stop by anyway and grab something to eat. 

The blonde also chose to walk to school instead because everyone has to enjoy the scenery once in a while! Before he knew it, he should've been in his third class of the day. 

Luckily he made it half way through the class and even got together with some of his friends to explain what happened. 

"Yeah sorry guys, I stopped by the bakery first, then I got some Boba because I got thirsty. Anyway I also went in to buy a few things from the store because I was already unexcused so may as well make the most of it no?" He laughed. 

"God Teru, well at least you're here now!" Oikawa laughed. "Though we just have one class left."

"I know I know, I'll see you later Tooru! Say hi to Iwa for me!" 

"Will do!" Oikawa answered as he left, while Terushima walked over to his final class. 

"Oh. I forgot he was in my class." Terushima mumbled to himself as he saw Daishou walk up to him. 

"Took you a lot longer than half an hour Terushima."

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