The Girls of Koten Middle School

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Like any other middle school, they are the specific social groups; your all-out nerds, band geeks, athletes, the goths, the rockers, the music obsessors, your jocks, your average people, semi-nerds, and your popular girls. At Koten Middle School in Sacramento, California , this is just the same. At Koten, the popular girls are Samantha (Sam) Davis, Chasity Philips, Reina DelVechio, Jenna Leanord, Sena Rhette. Everybody looks up to these girls, even the 7th and 8th graders. But, the one person they want to be most of all is the queen bee of the group, Reina. The semi-nerds or people that are not really liked and definitely hated by the popular girls are: Melanie Worth, Viktor Nally, and Tatiana Goldstein. Feuds begin. "Wars" start. Rumors spread like wildfire, and bullying is on the rise. Now this, all happened at Koten Middle School. Just one California middle school.

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