Sparring of Words

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The moment Septimus left, I heard Jonas and Enola break out in a horrific shouting match. I felt a touch of fear and discomfort. Would it be proper for me to go out and watch their marital fight?

Or should I stay here and wait it out? But if I stayed here, I wouldn't be able to step in if things turned ugly.

The loud shouts woke Raine up. He listened to the ruckus for a while before probing, "What's wrong?"

I lifted a finger to my lips and indicated for him to lower his voice. Not that I thought anyone would pay attention to us amid the raised voices of the couple outside.

"Let's go out," I told him in a low voice.

He clearly didn't have any enthusiasm, but he still followed me outside.

After exiting the tent, I didn't see Midas. This made me grow nervous. Had she chased after Septimus? And who exactly was this Septimus? Another angel? But it didn't seem like Midas was on friendly terms with him.

I walked a few steps towards the roaring bonfire with Raine in tow. I sat down, skewered a fish with a clean, whittle down branch and then handed it over to Raine. Then I began to roast my own fish. The other men who came back early this morning had all hidden themselves. Only Garlan was watching the marital fight.

I saw him look over at me and I raised my roasting fish upwards. This was my way of indicating he could come over to roast fish, but Garlan only shook his head, before returning his focus to the couple fighting in front of him.

I was glad Garlan was supervising the situation. If it was me, I would be put in such an awkward position. So overwhelmed would I be, that I wouldn't know how to react since I had never encountered such a situation before.

Enola's shrill voice invaded my ears. "You've not only betrayed my trust, but you've also selfishly spent our hard earned money."

"On the road we can't do anything," Jonas yelled back. "I don't see how I'm wrong for having a little fun."

Fuming with rage, Enola reached out and slapped Jonas on the cheek, stunning him momentarily.

"How dare you!" Angry at having been embarrassed in front of others, Jonas moved to return his wife's slap.

Raine buried his head in my shoulder. Before the slap landed, Garlan reached out and held Jonas' hand in place.

"Both of you ought to use your words and not your hands," Garlan said firmly. His tone showed there was no need for any quibbling.

Enola burst into tears. Maybe she had been holding it in for a while now. And when she realized her husband was ready to lay his hands on her, the emotional dam finally broke.

Jonas pulled his hand out of Garlan's grasp. "This is my family business," he shouted angrily at Garlan.

It was obvious his anger had been displaced from Enola and onto Garlan.

Author's Note: The title of this chapter was inspired by 西瓜JUN's [无聊]MV. If you haven't heard this song yet, please check it out on BiliBili. 😊

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