A Boar in The Wind Dream

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It all started of when little Caroline went to bed. She drifted into a wonderful dream. It all started when Sadie, Emma, Jo, Glenn, Lady Gaga, and Caroline went to Walmart. We walked past the Jesus section of Walmart and noticed a crucifix. They walked over to it because they thought it looked a bit odd. It was a boar in the wind sucking on Lady Gaga's toes! They put 10 of them in the cart and rushed to check out! But before they could get there Erin Burns walked in with a Fortnite nerf gun and pointed it right at Sadies' head. We got soon an army of them came in right at us! The fat flat burger eating selfs were sprinting towards us! They were cosplaying as hot hentai milfs. We used Glenn's powerful pp to WAP them into falling flat on the floor and DYING. 

After we wiped out the milfs we started heading to Lady Gaga's house. We came home to her dogs looking different. We took a closer look and they were boars in the wind!!! We threw a massive coming out party for them. We invited every single person we knew to the party so they could experience the windy gusts of the boars. As we were about to starting eating the Lady Gaga Oreo flavored cake. AuReLiA comes and steals the boars!!! We scream at throw boar poop at her. She trips over Frankie's gay flag lingerie and gets launched into Glenn's pp, she instantly dies. To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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