Drawings and daisy chains.

Start from the beginning

"Yeah. I do." I said. No hiding it anymore.

"You know I was awake right?"

Huh?! Did she mean what I think she meant?"

"After the campfire." She said "I heard you and Harriet talking." She said

No no no no! I could have sworn she was asleep!

"Oh." I swallowed again. I think I heard her laugh. Did she really just laugh?! I'm over here almost peeing my pants cause I'm so worried and she's laughing!?

"I like you too you know." She said

"As a friend though." I said. Slightly disappointed.



Did she just say she likes me? Keep it cool y/n. Don't freak out even though you want to.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah." She breathed. I looked up at her for the first time. She was smiling.

"Hey I'm still drawing you! Keep your head in the same spot!"

"Sorry," I said and put my head back down blushing.

Oh my god!

"Harriets gonna freak" I said.

Sonya laughed and nodded her head.

"Let's keep it a secret for now." She said

I blew out a sigh of relief. I agreed. I don't want Harriet announcing to the entire glen that me and Sonya liked each other. I can see it now. Harriet dancing in circles around me and Sonya chanting that she called it and that we owe her money.

"Good idea." I replied.

We were quiet for another few minutes.

I started picking daisies and tying them together in a chain and put it on my head.

"Looks beautiful!" Sonya said laughing her sweet laugh. I still couldn't remember the bird that it reminded me of but it was so comforting. I smiled a little bit and began making another one for her.

"Here you go!" I said and placed the flower crown on her head.

"Why thank you!" She said and smiled at me. Her eyes crinkled so perfectly when she smiled.

"Looks magical!" I said to her.

"Oh yeah! Fairy queen!" She said and put her hands under her chin and closed her eyes and smiled. I laughed and she shuffled until she was sitting next to me.

"I finished." She said.

"Let me see it."

She showed me her picture. Wow. I was really pretty! I'm not sure if she changed it up a little bit to make me prettier or if that's how I actually looked. I didn't know how I looked so this was the first time that I had actually seen myself. The flower crown placed on my head looked incredible with my face. I literally looked like a little woodland fairy.

"Is that what I actually look like?" I asked in awe.

"Mhm!" She said admiring her work.

"Damn! I'm hot!" I said. Sonya laughed out loud and fell onto her back laughing. I leaned back with her and once she calmed down she looked at me. I looked back at her a smile forming on both of our lips.

It was so perfect. She was so perfect.

"Thanks for drawing me." I said.

She grabbed my hand.

Cue the butterflies!

"That wasn't the first time I've drawn you," she said. I smirked and grabbed her Sketchbook.

"Uh uh!" She said and tried to snatch the sketchbook out of my hands.

I flipped through until I saw another one of me. I looked really good not gonna lie.

"Ooooh! This one looks good" I said dodging her attempts to grab the book away from me. I found a few more and once I was satisfied I lay back down laughing. She grabbed the book and held it to her chest.

"Jerk." She said.

"You're the one who's got a crush on the jerk." I said laughing still.

She glared at me jokingly and I gave her a teethy smile.

She quickly kissed me on the cheek.

Fuuuck! My tummy's gonna explode if there are any more butterflies in there!

"Thanks." I said and put my hand to my cheek where she had kissed me.

"Any time,"

Sonya x reader Where stories live. Discover now