First Gathering

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A few days passed by and you had managed to avoid Gally at all costs. It's not like that was hard to do since he seemed to be avoiding you as well. You needed the space to deal with the cringe and regret that came after Gally had stormed out that night. Maybe you had come on too strong, or maybe Gally didn't like you like Newt had insisted he did after all. Either way, you made a fool of yourself in front of one of the Keepers of the Glade. It wasn't wise to get on one of their bad sides since they were all highly respected. He had already hated you enough to begin with.

You were in the med tent wondering what you could possibly do to get yourself out of this awkward situation when Nick burst into the room with worried eyes and holding up the Greenie who was limping beside him. You rush over to the bed to help the kid lay down while Nick started explaining everything. The Greenie was living up to the nickname and looked like he was going to be sick once he caught sight of his foot. With all the blood and the whimpering, you didn't really need Nick's explanation to know what happened.

"Stepped on a shuck nail while trainin' to be a builder."

The Greenie scrunched his face and hissed. "It hurts."

"Hold him down," you told Nick as you bent down to examine the nail coming out of his sneaker. Nick stood over the young boy and got a firm grip on his left leg. With pilers, you were able to pull out the nail. The boy screamed and kicked you in the face with his other foot. You groaned but carried on with helping him by taking off his sneaker and blood-stained sock to assess the damage. The Greenie yelped like you were torturing him when you poured peroxide over the wound.

After a couple of stitches and a lot more crying from the boy, he was all wrapped up and going to be just fine. You and Nick helped the boy to his hammock to lay down for the rest of the day. When you turned to leave the kid, you caught a glimpse of Gally across the Glade. His back was to you, and he was hammering a ladder that would lead to the second layer of the watchtower. A wave of anger passed through you as you thought about how Gally was just going on with his day, not even minding that the newbie had gotten hurt under his watch. What a selfish asshole!

With your fists clenching and jaw tight, you stormed across the Glade and began to ascend to the first layer of the watchtower. Gally didn't even acknowledge your arrival, and he hammered on. You tapped him on the shoulder and crossed your arms to make yourself look tougher. Usually, the look in your face when you were angry was enough for any glader to realize their wrongdoings, but Gally was different. He had never been afraid of you before, and crossing your arms wasn't going to have him put his tail between his legs and run off defeated.

Gally stopped working to turn to you. He used the collar of his shirt to wipe his face, revealing his abs that were glistening in the sun from sweat. His face dropped to a look that you would have guessed was concern if you didn't already know how uncaring Gally was.

"What happened to your face?" He reached out for a brief second to touch your cheek, but quickly retreated, knowing better.

There must have been a bruise forming from when the Greenie kicked you earlier. You decided to ignore the comment and get straight to what you came up to tell him. "The hell, Gally? You couldn't even look after the Greenie for the one day you had him?" You held up a single finger, getting closer to his face for emphasis.

"Actually, while my crew was teaching him how to nail boards together for this next layer down there in the shade, I've been working my ass off up here in the sun all day. We can't all sit around in the med tent and be useless."

You scoffed and grabbed his hammer. "It doesn't take much brains to wave this around all day. I know I can manage it easy if you can."

He threw up his hands. "Let's see it then. Finish the last three nails for me."

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