A Fight in the Ring

Start from the beginning

"Newt!" Your shoulder desperately rammed into the door with no luck. "You fucker! Let me in!"

His only reply was a hearty laugher from the other side of the locked door. Now was not the time to be pranking you like this!

Gally stopped as he reached the other end of the hall, panting and glaring at you like a lion trapping its prey. You let go of the door and started to back down the hall, even though it was a dead end. Your fate was inevitable.

"Gally." You attempted to barter with him and raise your hands in surrender. "It was just a joke."

Your pleading voice and batting eyelashes were not enough to convince him you were innocent. He stalked toward you with his finger wagging in your face as soon as he got close enough. Your back pressed firmly against the wall, hoping you would melt into it and disappear forever. His voice was low and threatening.

"Tomorrow night at the bonfire. You, me, the Ring."

Gally stormed off, probably to shower off tonight's dinner. You slid down the wall and hugged your knees, knowing you'd just earned yourself the most humiliating punishment: a swift kick in the ass in front of all the gladers. Running around the Glade with Gally hot on your tail was exhilarating, but you almost wish you had just tripped and let him tackle you out in the grass as his payback. The Ring? That was Gally's pride and joy beside his moonshine and building. You weren't gonna last a full minute.

The next night, you had planned to stay in the Homestead and keep Newt company during the bonfire. Newt, however, had heard the match Gally set up the night prior and insisted the both of you go to the Greenie celebration.

"Don't really care if the Newbie asks about my leg. It'd be bloody worth it to see the klunk beaten outta you. Who knows? Maybe you'll get a few good shots in as well." Newt carried on as he hobbled down the staircase. "And you know you want to get your hands on 'im anyway."

You swatted at his stomach, not being able to reach his head or even his shoulder from where you guided him two stairs below him. "Do not!"

"Honestly, woman! Even before I had all this time off I was still able to notice something was up with you and that shank. Now that I have to see your shuck face everyday, it's bloody obvious you fancy him."

"In his dreams."

"Yeah and in the dreams of every other shank in this hellhole." This earned him another swat.

"Not everyone is a perv like you."

"Yes, yes they are. Sorry, love, but I don't think there's a bloke here whose dreams you haven't invaded." You faked a gag, and Newt added, "Yeah it goes something like that."

You gave him a third swat to the back of the head this time now that you were both off the stairs and could reach him. "You're a pig."

The two of you slowly make your way across the dark field to the giant fire. Some of the boys were beating a rhythm on the dead logs while others were hollering, dancing around, and holding up their glasses of Gally's recipe. The number of the gladers had been constant for a while because of some deaths three months back. Thankfully, the group was able to save Newt, which meant that the set of twins sent up this month had, for the first time in a while, actually made the number of the gladers grow. Eighteen of you now sat around the fire, and you weren't planning on losing any others.

"We were starting to think you weren't gonna show up!" Captain Gally's voice boomed from the other side of the fire. "Ready for our match, girlie?"

Except maybe now they'd lose you after Gally beats the klunk out of you in the Ring. You could already see it being etched into your gravestone, Killed due to a grudge about mashed potatoes.

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