Rescuing Will

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Third P.O.V

Kill and Bill got up after their few hour long nap. Bill was in a foul mood since his dreams weren't very pleasant which was one of the reasons why the dream demon didn't sleep anymore since all he has are nightmares very rarely can he sleep well. Kill slept just fine and was getting everything ready letting his younger brother be for a bit knowing he's temper is short when he's in a foul mood. The one to piss Bill off during the morning may lord have mercy on their soul because the dream demon is not a morning person nor will he handle any business or bullshit during the morning because his patience just won't last with that and he'll most likely kill them slowly unless he tortures them till he feels better or his foul mood is gone which is long time to be tortured even for a demon it would be too much and a human won't last more than an hour with it. Kill knew this well since he has witnessed it when they were little so he avoided it while Will was pretty much the only one who could happily go to Bill during the morning's and he would be perfectly fine the entire morning despite Bill being in a foul mood.

Kill found it odd how Will could so easily without a fear talk to them even when they had completely lost it and they'd just listen and calmly speak with him despite their anger or foul mood. It was a very weird scene to stumble upon seeing the two older demons at their last nerve be so calm with their youngest brother who rarely ever lost his temper it was almost unheard of for Will to lose his temper and lash out at everyone and anyone except for his two older brothers. Will made it very clear he loves the two dearly and has never ever denied it he'll admit it in a heartbeat while Kill and Bill rather die then admit it though Kill has admitted it once before unlike Bill who refuses to admit it but he does sometimes show that he cares for the two. Those moments are extremely rare but if you look closely you'll see the very faint smile when he is around his brothers and he'll be a lot calmer and a bit nicer while with the two. Those who have known him for thousands of years will notice the difference but others won't notice it since it's a very small difference to begin with.

Once Kill had everything prepared and he had double checked that he had everything and hadn't missed anything he got his still in a foul mood brother and teleported them to Reverse falls into the forest very narrowly avoiding being seen by Burning tree who was taking his usual morning walk. Kill knew Bill would have snapped at him if it weren't for the male being within an earshot of the two. He waited till the Gleeful male was gone and he sighed as he got out their change of clothes and handed Bill his before he started changing into his own. Once the two had changed into the clothes that would help them fit into this town the two grabbed the bags and headed into town. "Fucking had to teleport us close to him didn't you?" Bill said lowly with a small growl. "I didn't think he'd be in the fucking forest. You'll get to take your anger out on a self centered bitch," Kill lowly said back with a small growl.

"Don't fucking start with me Kill I'm not in the fucking mood to hold back from beating your ass," Bill growled lowly to Kill. Kill glared at him due to that but backed off knowing they don't have time to get into a fight or get revealed while in Reverse falls before they get to their brother and can get him out. Bill huffed and muttered lowly a thought so as they continued to walk towards the Gleeful tent to get to the show on time and a little early since they needed to catch their attention to get called on stage to join the show. They had to make this plan work and they had to succeed they don't get a second chance to do this it has to go right in one go there's no other way for it to go but the way they have planned it. Very rarely one of the brothers back of when they get into a fight but right now they don't have much of a choice but to deal with each other so they can at least save and free their youngest brother without further problems by complications for not following the plan.

The two got to the Gleeful's tent and they entered it keeping their profile low, as they acted like curious humans that are new in town. They knew that Mabel loved to scare new comers and would pick them over anyone due to the fun she gets out of their terror. The two knew that when she doesn't get her satisfactory reaction she'll be in a foul mood for the rest of the day and will be more reckless with her actions due to her anger which they can use to their advantage later when they sneak in to get their brother. They could already sense him behind the curtain and they know Will can sense them. Will indeed could sense his brothers and it made him happy to know they were there to get him out and he knew that only because they wouldn't come here otherwise without a plan to get him out. He knew that both of his brothers were cautious and planned everything down to every last detail to ensure the success of the plan working.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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