Chapter 5- His Warm Hugs

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Ruv was in his class sitting next to Whitty who looked like he had just gone through a hurricane, the truth was Sarvanete gave him a piece of her mind after they had breakfast.


"You unholy, stupid ass, motherfucking jerk! Do you know how much pain you've caused my friend?!"

She kept yelling at him and hitting him with her heels, he tried running away but she managed to hit him in the head to two times by throwing her heels at him.

+End of flashback+

Whitty just stared at Ruv who looked tense, his hands were shaking and Ruv desperately tried to get them under control, "Mr. Whitmore please come to the principal's office immediately." A woman's voice said through the PA speakers, Whitty got up and left the class room. Once he was at the principal's office he saw Sarvanete sitting in the other chair having a nice little chat with the principal about hamsters.

"Why did you need me Ms. Murder?" Whitty asked sitting down next to Sarvanete, the principal was Lucy's mom and her dad was the vice principal.

"Sarvanete told me about you and this Ruv fellow, she said you beat him up quite badly." She said, "I did... He was shaking uncontrollably in class." Whitty replied with a sudden guilty expression.

The girl adjusted the crosses on her viel and looked over to Whitty.

"Ruv developed PTSD when he was a kid due to being bullied. His pet cat was crushed by a rock and he was forced to watch." Sarvanete stated wit a blank expression on her face getting ready to guilt trip this bomb for his wrong doings. "They fed him the kitten's guts. And many other graphic things happened, that's why Ruv was taught kickboxing." She added, the principal seemed surprised and disgusted with the fact that Ruv had to go through all that.

Whitty looked super guilty, he didn't know about that, he just thought that Ruv was acting all tough. "I think your best bet is to apologize to him. Sincerely." The woman in front of them said, "Oh! And show lots of affection, Ruv accepts apologies quicker with hugs and kisses!" Sarvanete chirped with a smirk on her face.

"That sounds hella gay..." Whitty sighed.

"We don't care." The two females said, "You two are dismissed, I hope things get better between you two." Whitty and Sarvanete left the principal's office, the two students went back to class and Whitty saw Ruv's body tense up when he came closer. "Ruv..." Whitty sighed gently placing his hand on Ruv's face, he started caressing the shorter male's cheek immediately making Ruv relax, Whitty's hand was warm, Ruv liked his suddenly gentle touch it was odd since earlier Whitty wanted to kill him but now it was different.

+After school- Ruv and Whitty's dorm+

Ruv was in bed, thinking back on how Whitty touched his face in class, he was going crazy on what and what not to feel about that guy. He didn't know if he should be flustered or something else, it was just too much to think about.

'Why is my heart racing so fast?! I shouldn't be feeling like this for someone who's hurt me right?'

Thoughts raced through his mind and then suddenly he heard the front door open, "Bye baby, love ya!" Whitty blew a kiss at his girlfriend before closing the door while taking his shoes off and heading to their room to see Ruv laying in his bed looking up at the ceiling. "Oh, welcome home..." Ruv muttered with a low voice, Whitty just sighed with a smile and placed his bag down on the floor next to his bed before going over to Ruv and crawling on the bed right next to the Russian.

"W-What are you doing?" Ruv asked putting his hand over his mouth to cover the noticable blush on his face.

Whitty just slowly wrapped his arms around of Ruv's waist gently pulling him close as he felt Ruv flinch, "I'm sorry for hurting you... I have no idea what's wrong with me sometimes." Whitty sighed to himself, Ruv didn't reply only letting the bomb hug him tighter nuzzling into his neck. "Sarv set you up to this didn't she?" Ruv asked and Whitty chuckled, "Yeah... But I have to admit, you're a better teddy bear rather than a punching bag." Ruv blushed at what the bomb had said, his cheeks were burning and his heart pounded against his rib cage.

'Oh God what do I do?! He's so fucking hot! TEMPERATURE, HIS TEMPERATURE IS FUCKING HOT! Not him, no, never!'

Ruv rolled over and hugged Whitty back, burying his red face into the bomb's chest letting out an annoyed sigh, "I'm calling her Lucifer for a week..." Ruv grumbled.

"That's cu-- cool, I meant cool." Whitty corrected himself from saying cute, Ruv just cuddled with him for a while until Ruv fell asleep, Whitty just looked after him while he had a nice peaceful slumber, the bomb couldn't help but notice how handsome and cute Ruv was he just realized he was staring and immediately looked away.

[Warning; Graphic content ahead]

"Look, it's the little thief and his cat!" One of the kids said to me, they surrounded me and my pet kitten, Isaiah. "You've got some nerve stealing from my dad you punk!" The boy pushed me to the ground, Isaiah meowed as he was picked up by one of the kids surrounding me.

They started kicking me, some punched me but I didn't fight back, I was too weak to fight back. Isaiah bit the kid who was holding him and tried to run to me but he was grabbed by his tail and lifted up, "Your cat's a fighter, unlike you Ruv!" They all laughed at me and one of them ran into the bushes coming back with a huge rock.

"Isaiah-" I was punched in the face and my hands were held behind my back while one of them forced my head to look into the direction of Isaiah. "N-No... He's the only one I have-" I was kicked in the stomach making me gasp and gag slightly, "Isaiah!" I cried, trying to get out of their grip to save my cat but they were just too strong.

Isaiah was placed onto the ground and the kid pushed his neck down, he let out pained meows and hisses, my only friend was going to be killed in front of me.

"C'mon Ruv, fight back!"

"Yeah, fight back like your cat you pathetic coward."

I didn't do anything, I just watched, the kid holding the rock lifted it up and quickly smashed Isaiah's head. I shut my eyes and cried silently as I heard the bloody splattering of the kitten's guts, one of them suddenly forced my mouth open and shoved a disgusting wet mixture into my mouth.

I open my eyes to see that it was Isaiah, I gag and vomit it out my they just kept forcing me to eat my dead cat.

The kids eventually left me there covered in dirt and bloody vomit.

[End of Graphic content]

Ruv shot up from his sleep panting heavily, Whitty wrapped his arms around the smaller male and told him that everything was okay, "Shh... It was just a nightmare, you're safe." Whitty sighed, Ruv felt tears pricking up in his eyes and then he began to cry. He hasn't cried in years, it felt good to let everything out for once, "It's okay, I'm here Ruv. You're okay..." Whitty said as the Russian hugged him back.

Whitty felt warm against Ruv's cold body, "I don't get it... I-I was good, want I? W-Why did you hurt me?" Ruv whimpered slightly while curling up into a ball as the bomb hugged him tightly. Whitty just felt guilty, Ruv hadn't done anything wrong, he was the one that started everything from the very start.

"I'm the one to blame. I hurt you really badly, and I'm sorry for that." Whitty said followed by a sigh.

Ruv looked up at him with tearful eyes, the bomb looked back at him and smiled before gently patting Ruv's head and laying back down with him on the bed, "Wanna be buddies from now? I promise I'll change my ways." Whitty chuckled, Ruv laid his head on Whitty's chest and made himself comfortable against the warm body next to him. "I'd like to have a buddy." Ruv said.

"Perfect! We're two friends cuddling each other to sleep... Woo-hoo." Whitty said rather sarcastically.

Ruv just hummed and closed his eyes falling back to sleep.

•The Guy Who Never Smiles• (Whitty x Ruv- Highschool AU) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin