Chapter 1- Serendipity

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Jack is going to die. 

He is going have quite a lot of excuses to miss out his elite football meeting by the time I am done with him.

"JACK!" I yell hurling down the stairs of his- no Rachel's house. "Why in the world of all goodliness did you destroy that book?". "JACK? Get your 'I did nothing'  face here this instant". 

I cannot believe what he did.

I lent him a book- MY BOOK to finish off his 'Modern Poetry' paper and my-oh-my, where did I find it? IN A BEDROOM TRASH CAN.

After DUMPING AN INNOCENT BOOK in a trash can, where would we find the captain of the football team? That's right, sprawling on the couch without a care in the world. The douchebag looks at me ever so innocently, like he didn't just commit a sin. "Oh, hey Bree, weren't you studying in my room?". "What happened to that?".

"What happened? YOU happened" I said grabbing a pillow to whack his stupid head off. And there goes the first blow. Here goes the second. Jack runs around to the dining room. Nonetheless, his idiotic confusion doesn't stop.

"Bree stop," he said running over the other side. "Stop ruining my Sunday". How. Dare. He. He actually had the nerve to say that? I hit him harder, so hard that the cover bounces off the pillow right next the photo of us grinning as we eat humongous watermelons, the juice trickling down our faces into the earth.

"What did I even do?" Jack asked, blocking my blow with that stone like hand of his.

"You and that dirt like face of yours THREW SERENDIPITY INTO YOUR TRASH" I replied running around him.

"Oh" he said.

"How dare you even do that Jack?" I asked. He had been my best friend for how many years now? OH, practically since we were born. Hell, even our families were the best of friends.

"Jack why did you do that?" I asked, stopping to catch my breath. "Why did you throw that book? You knew it was one of my favorites." I said.

"First of all, Bree, there isn't a single book in that you own that isn't your favorite. And second, I DID NOT THROW IT ON MY WILL". he replied. But he didn't know how much Serendipity meant to me.

"Oh, of course. It just flew into the trash can, right? It wanted to sit there with your miserable attempts at an essay?" I asked. "Or maybe Tinkerbell came. You swore she visited you every day to check on that headache, right? Or perhaps, a certain douche THREW it in" I said with every ounce of anger I had in my body.

"Brienna, I did not throw it on my will". he said sheepishly.

"ON YOUR WILL? What, is this a period drama?" I said.

"Well. I can explain" he said looking at the tiles.

"Explain what?" I prompted.

"Well, the thing is. Yesterday, I had a couple of guys over" he said.

I already knew that. His room was much messier than normal. I turned him down last night because I had to finish off the Rising Ashes series, and I assumed that he had called Ceci over to binge on the horror movies they loved to watch. However, Ceci was not one to make a mess.

"Yeah. So?" I asked.

"I had the guys over. And also, an exchange student" he replied finding the floor very interesting.

"Wait what? Exchange student?" I asked in confusion.

"Yeah. Remember Principal Retry had said some students will be coming here from the UK?" he said.

"Oh yeah. He did say that. Brandon, right?" I said recalling. Our school got a lot of exchange students. Most of the times some random unsuspecting student got the duty to "look after them" and "show them around". This time apparently, it was all the sports team captains.

"Yeah" was all he said.

"Wait a minute, how is Brandon coming over to your house related to MY book in the trash can?" I asked.

"Well, he was the one who dared me to throw it" Jack said preparing to bolt.

"And you did?" I asked grabbing the pillow again.

"I had to, right? Retry says we must respect our guests!" he said.

"Oh, did he? Let me teach you how to respect".

"Bree" he said grabbing my pillow. "I told him that you'd be mad, but he said no girl can ever be mad for long".

"Oh" I said. "Well then, I accept the challenge".

"Bree and Jack, now what do I hear about this challenge" came the honey-like voice of my other best friend from the front door.

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