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—Ichika's POV:

I really thank eonnie yoda for saving me from those scary Korean kids and for giving me a lots of candies!! Eonnie yoda is such an Angel!!

—Someone's POV:

"Mom!!" My sweetie shouted as she run closer to me and gave me my favorite hug ever

"Oh does my sweetie cried again?" I asked while cupping my daughter's cheek

"A little bit mom" she chuckled

"By the way who's that girl that you're talking with a while ago" I asked

"She's an angel mom! She saved me from the bullies!!" My daughter shouted in joy

"Oh then what's this?" I looked at the bag that my daughter is carrying

"This bag is full of candies mom! Eonnie yoda gave this to me when a kid took my lollipop" My daughter smiled

"Eonnie yoda?....weird" I scoffed

"Well not mom! She's an angel! And lastly I have big ears like her!!" She smiled widely

"But I can't move my ears like her.." My daughter pouted that makes me giggle

"And you have her biggest smile..."

"Wait mom what did you say?" Ichika asked and I startled because I'm thinking about someone

"Ahh nothing sweetie" I gasp

"Is there's something wrong about eonnie yoda?" My daughter asked me

"No...nothing sweetie" I said

"Mom I'm starving" My daughter said that makes me laugh

"Okay.... Okay sweetie I'll buy you your favorite bibimbap okay?" I smiled at her

"Oh mommy sure!! Sure Mom!" She jumped in joy that makes my heart melt

—Someone's POV:

I just meet a Japanese young girl... She's so precious and soft as I remembered someone on her... I remembered a girl who's the one who first read my arrival letter for my family...

5years ago

—Someone's POV:

So this letter is for........Mr. and Ms. Chou or Chou Family I wonder which gate is here.... Maybe in this gate 1 or gate 2... Oh c'mon jeonsok you're just doing your job... Maybe I'll do innie minnie miney moo.. Okay





"Bingo! In the second gate... Okay so I'll just drop it here and I'm now ready to go..."

—Sana's POV:

It's 7:00am in the morning and I just woke up.. It's my day off today so I have a lot of free time to spend with my self

As I go downstairs I saw a mail on the floor. Someone sent me a letter but mom and dad don't like writing letters they just call me if they miss/needed me Dad says that writing letters are just a waste of time... I wonder who's mail is this so I pick it up and see what's inside

The writings on the white envelope... I can't understand it, it's like a chinese but there's an hangul writings at the back it says

"Look who's coming"

Look who's coming?.. I'm so curious about this letter it's like I want to read it but my mom says that don't touch someone's property so I just left the letter beside the books on the cabinet maybe this letter is from a foreigner who lived here or in short this letter is supposed to be given to Chou family?? Or in my neighbor?? Well I'm not pretty sure about it.. I just left the letter and go to the kitchen


—Someone's POV:

This letter.... It's still here this letter are getting brown because of its oldness... It's been 5 years since I received this letter from taiwan

Don't worry I'll see you again

"Mom?" Ichika suddenly spoke that makes me shook

"Oh goodness it's just you sweetie" I sighed

"What's that mom? What are you reading?" Ichika asked

"This?.. Oh nothing sweetie this is just nothing but a remembrance" I smiled

"Remembrance of what?" Ichika asked

"Remembrance of friendship" I said but deep inside this is not just a friendship remembrance, it reminds me of the person that I really love the most in my past days

"Wow mom you're so lucky to have a friend like that... Where's your friend now??" Ichika asked that makes my heart to feel a little bit of pain inside

"She's now in nowhere...." I looked outside the window watching some stars that we love to watch the most before

"She's dead?" Ichika asked that makes me laugh

"No sweetie... She's not dead yet" I giggled

"Well then why are you looking at the sky and stars?" She asked

"Because we love to watch stars before" I tried to smile

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