He drove in tense and reflective silence on the way to Yusra and Amir's, pulling his car up next to Hana's blue bug, and slowly pulling up the brake, his whole body buzzing with nervousness. As he got out of the car, he straightened out his shirt, tied his hair back at the base of his neck, and strode up to the door, hesitating for a moment before knocking. Those few seconds between when he knocked, and the door opened were the longest of his life, yet he was to have no relief for when the door was finally opened, it revealed Layla, and not Hana.

"Layla?" he asked in surprise, and the little girl gave him a grin.

"Hi Amu Houssam!" she exclaimed, and though he caught her when she threw herself at him, he was still confused.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Hamoudi is sick again, and Mama didn't want me to be sick so I came with Amtu!" she exclaimed.

"Oh. Why did you open the door?"

"Amtu told me to."

Houssam frowned slightly.

"She told you to open the door?"

Layla nodded.

"Yes. She said that she didn't want to have to deal with anything. I didn't understand what she meant." The little girl put a hand on Houssam cheek. "Do you know what she meant Amu?"

Houssam looked into her innocent little face, trying to control the conflicting feels that were tearing him up inside. She didn't want to have to deal with anything!? What the heck?!

"No habibti, I don't." he said quietly. "Where is Amtu?"

"She's in Kareem's room changing his diaper. I didn't want to stay in there it's icky!" Layla exclaimed, and Houssam had to laugh, before he squared his shoulders, and started up the stairs. As he entered Kareem's room, she was standing at the changing table, buttoning up Kareem's onesie, her back to him.

"Hana?" he said quietly, and her shoulders tense, and her hands stilled over the baby. It was a good few seconds before she pulled Kareem's pants back on, and picked him up, turning to face Houssam, her eyes flashing.

Okay, he could do this. He would just apologize and tell her how he was just talking in the heat of the moment, and he didn't mean it. And she would forgive him because she was Hana and was sweet and kind and all that was good in the world, and everything would be okay, and back to the way it had been before.

However he didn't even get a chance to open his mouth for she stepped forward, handed him the baby, and walked out of the room without a single word.


Amir unlocked the front door, trying to balance the three dozen roses he was carrying, and the large pan of double chocolate brownies.

"Habibi!" Yusra exclaimed as she came rushing into the room and as he placed what he was holding onto the table, he gave her a kiss before letting out a long whistle, holding her at arm's length, and looking her up and down. She was wearing a short green dress, and her long hair was let down over her shoulders, and her eyes were lined in kohl. 

"Wow! What is this beauty!?" he exclaimed, and she blushed slightly.

"Oh stop, I look a mess." She said, fluffing up her hair, and he shook his head with a laugh.

"You look stunning, and you know it. But then again," he said in a whisper as he gathered her into his arms, "you always look beyond gorgeous." He bent to give her another kiss, before straightening out, and cupping her face in his hands. "Happy anniversary love."

Twice Upon Qadr - A Shot At Love **EDITING** Where stories live. Discover now