01 - Chapter One - Alexi's Point Of View.

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After two weeks of going back and forth and not giving it my all in my job, this was fair. The door to the Medic wing denied me. Not once, not twice, but six times. Maddox had changed the settings on the lock. He had locked me out to stop me from staying there all night and day with Creed. He had threatened to do so the night before but I was offended he did. I had been looking after Creed for two weeks with no problems, I stopped getting in the Drs way and I was eating with Emerson and him every lunchtime. I was shaking with rage but it was eleven at night and it was out of bounds the yell at him at this time of night about this.

Walking away from the medic wing I went to my wing. It was empty and quiet. I hated it. Creed had been staying with me in the guest room, some nights. Other nights, He was sleeping beside me. That was only recently. By this accident, he had only proved to me that loving someone was dangerous. When he woke up I would have to put an end to his feelings the right way. But how was the right way?

Taking only half of one of the sleeping pills, I went and laid in my bed. I knew it would take about twenty minutes to kick in. Until then I let my thoughts wander to just about everything. Which was proving to be a bad thing. At some point, I started to cry in frustration about the door lock and the nerve of Maddox. Feeling the pill kicking in I tossed my pillow away and grabbed the one that Creed used. Somehow his pillow was easier to sleep with than mine, but I was sure they were the same kind of pillows after all.

Closing my eyes, I allowed the pill to take me willingly to sleep, Instead of fighting it.

The sunlight on my face was what woke me up. I sat up disorientated and feeling rested again. Once I finally woke up all the way anger settled in my chest. Maddox had locked me out of the medic wing so I couldn't see Creed. Checking the clock on the nightstand I was blown away to see it was eleven-thirty in the morning.

I had really slept in.

Grabbing clothing out of the closet I walked to the bathroom. Creed's stuff was still out on the counter from the day before. I didn't have the time to tuck it away. Instead, I stepped into the shower after stripping down and made quick work of showering. Looking in the mirror when I got out of the shower, some of the dark circles around my eyes had gone away again. I also couldn't help but notice that my hair had gotten longer and so had my facial hair which was usually nothing more than a five o'clock shadow.

Taking out the electric shaver and I cleaned up my face. I could waste a few more minutes before I went and screamed at Maddox, Possibly pushing my luck and maybe hitting him. Guess we would find out when I got there. Getting dressed, I sighed. This was normally where Creed would ask if I wanted to work out before or after coffee.

I would have dressed in a suit but I wasn't feeling that good. The wound was still too much to try to wear a tight suit. I had dressed in sweat pants and a t-shirt that even though it was in my closet wasn't mine. It was probably Creed's. It was about his size of giant. The man was a brick wall. It was kind of surprising they were even able to get him into the hospital bed, to begin with. Slipping regular running shoes on, I left my wing.

Walking through the hall I passed by my uncle and Cade who both didn't say anything, not that I would have stopped for them anyways. I was busy.

Reaching Maddox's office, He wasn't there but I had no problem waiting for him to get back to his office. Leaning against the wall I waited, but as it turned out I wouldn't have to wait too long because he was coming down the hall with Jackson and Zev. Maddox saw me first, He walked over and was in the middle of speaking when I did punch him.

It was Jackson that grabbed onto me tightly. I just wanted him to ease up again so I can nail Maddox at least once more.

"What the hell Alexi. You can't just punch Maddox!" Jackson yelled.

"Let me go and I'll hit him again."

Maddox took a deep breath fixing himself before he spoke.

"No hard feelings Alexi. I'll let that one go. I'm assuming you did find out about the medic wing then."

"You think?" I snapped.

"As I was going to say before you hit me, Creed is awake."

It took a minute before it set in before I yelled for Jackson to let them the fuck go. He didn't. Zev stood in front of me, his eyes studying me deeply.

"If Jackson lets you go are you going to hit him again?"

"Let's find out," I said

"Zev, Jackson. Take Alexi to your office and have him mellow out before taking him to Creed."

I glared at Maddox and that was all I got to do before Jackson and Zev forcibly pulled me down to his office in the basement. I don't know how long I was in his office since I was locked inside his office. But screamed until I lost my voice and pounded on the door until my shoulder wound just wouldn't take it. Then I just gave up.

My shoulder and my throat hurt terribly. That didn't matter, I needed to see Creed. I was well aware I had torn open my wound at some point. I could hear them talking outside but that didn't matter. They would let me out only when Maddox gave the ok.

I sat on the floor leaned with my back against the couch facing the door. As soon as that door opened I would get to see Creed. So I waited. 

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