The Loonatic's Last Hope

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(A/N Author's note: In this prologue, Deuce is still alive as the main story of the show will connect with the prologue. Also, Zadavia and Optimatus are Leading the Loonatics of the future! Also, this will have a little Yuuki Yuuna in this try, and guess what they are in the comments!)


It was now 2783 as sounds of bombings and blows were everywhere as The Great War continued. The battle between The Loonatics and General Deuce. The Loonatics were starting to get weaker as Deuce's Robot army was prevailing. One of the members was a white fox with long baby blue hair as it fades into lavender, peach, cream, and mint colors to look like it was shiny platinum with sunset eyes. she wears the white uniform with a white jacket and scarf belt as she was shooting down robots with energy blasts with her bow. She keeps hitting the enemies as they blew up to smithereens. Her leader was a yellow bunny in the yellow uniform with blue eyes who sliced them with his sword till he got knocked back by the robot's strength and knocked the white fox over "Kirika are you okay?" He asked in worried for the fox " I'm fine Ace but, I don't know how long we can last, everyone is losing strength even Zadavia and Optimatus." Kirika said as they watched everyone getting beat and tired. "Ace, This is Lexi." His wrist communicator glowed as he looked over at the pink bunny with the green ribbon and golden blonde hair "There's just too many of them, we can't take it much longer." She says as a flash of red sped over to them. Rev Runner, a roadrunner in the red uniform with green eyes "Ace,-Kirika-we-got-bigger-problems-and-I-mean,-Really,-BIG!-Deuce-has-control-of-5-Troll-bots!-There's-no-way-we-can-beat-him!" He said at a really fast pace. Ace and Kirika's eyes widened at the statement as they looked over at the distance. "I AM NOW INVINCIBLE!!!" Deuce laughed evilly as he triumphed with such an advantage. Kirika looks down as she placed her hand over her heart as Ace spoke through the wrist communicator "All Tail! We need to come up with a strategy."  In a matter of seconds, Duck quacked his way to them as Lexi, Tech, and Slam ran over "That's right run and flea you animals!" Deuce said and laughed evilly once more as Zadavia and Optimatus tries to keep him occupied so the team can come up with a strategy. Once they reached the others Duck started to freak out about the situation "We're Doomed, Doomed I tell ya there's no way we can beat 5 Troll bots plus an entire robot army!" Ace looked over to Duck as he scolded him "Duck, pull yourself together." he said with his accent "Hate to break it to you Ace but Duck's right." Tech said who is the green coyote in the green uniform "Deuce is practically invincible with those Troll bots around." He said in worry "It's-gonna-take-a-miracle-to-take-them-down." Rev said as Slam spoke in agreement. "Come on guys we're not going to let Deuce get the best of us!" Ace said as he punched his hands together "We need to come up with a plan to take down those Troll bots. Tech you got your A.P.D weapon with ya?" Ace asked as Tech realized where he was going but also have worries "I do but with the Troll bot it might take only a piece of the bot. To take the entire thing down in one blast I need to make a bigger one." Ace shook his head as he was hoping that would work. Ace looked over to Kirika as he was worried "Heya Kirika your awfully quiet, is something wrong?" She looked at him as she finally spoke "I know what I need to do." She said in a stern voice as everyone looked at her in shock and Tech knows what she's inferring to "Kirika you can't be serious. For you to use The Dragon of Light's full power, you're sacrificing yourself in the process. Couldn't you use your Dragon fist instead?" No Tech, If I use my Dragon fist it will only take off a layer of metal, it's the only way to destroy the Troll bots in one go." Kirika answered as Lexi looked at her in worry "Kirika you know how dangerous this is we can't afford to lose you, you're our friend!" She says as tears threaten to fall as Kirika looked down "I know." Yeah, let her sacrifice herself! Better her than us right?" Everyone glared at Duck except for Kirika as her head was still down "What?" He asked as Kirika now stood up as her head was still down " I made up my mind. I'm going." She said as she started walking "Wait!" Ace said as he grabbed her hand. She turned around and saw Ace's expression which has never been shown before as he also showed massive amounts of concern for the fox as he was trying his best not to let a tear-out. But his emotions got the best of him as a single tear starts to drop sizzling on the ground as it was starting to flow magma and his eyes turning completely red. He started wincing at the pain as everyone stared in shock. Kirika went over and kneeled in front of him "Don't Worry Ace I'll be okay trust me, I know what I'm doing." she then placed two fingers on his forehead as the pain he was just feeling through his eyes diminished and his eyes were back to normal with tiny specs of blood. She then embraced him into a hug as the rest joined them. Ace suddenly whispered to her ear "I'm just can't afford to lose anyone." he whimpered as she rubbed his back in a soothing motion. They broke the hug as Kirika ran off to the battlefield she turned around and gave them one last glance "It may be scary, but I'll take it from here. Just leave those oversized tin cans to me and come up with a strategy to defeat Deuce's Main Robo-Army and just know this... I can't stop my heartbeat if it means protecting you guys and the world," She then winked at them with a smile on her face before she spoke with them for maybe the last time "See ya!" She flew off as Ace tries to reach her but she was gone Lexi noticed this and went over to him "Ace hopefully she will be fine, we just need to trust her." She placed her hand on his shoulder "I know Lex I just... There was something else I wanted to tell'er." Her eyes widened at his choice of tone. Ace shook it off as the rest tries to come up with a plan. With Kirika on the other hand she looked at the distance with the 5 Troll bots as it was destroying the city "There everywhere. First I have destroyed these Troll bots then if possible, I'll head back and help the others fight Deuce," She then Looked over her left arm as the Chinese symbols started to glow "光明之龙" meaning "Dragon of Light." as she sighed "And by just looking I'm not getting out of there unscathed." She then started having flashbacks of her friends' smiling faces and even her family of the Wu Long temple as if it will be the last time seeing them ever again. She giggled as she prepared her weapon. "Alright, It's Showtime!" She says as energy starts to flow through her. She then jumped in the field and switched to full power mode as her eyes were now glowing white. Her arrow folds into a blaster as she blasted the missiles that were heading towards her. As more missiles were fired, she used her after-imaging ability to dodge them before activating The Dragon of lights full power.  She yelled out with rage as she transformed into a large energy dragon with orange eyes "KIRIKA NO!" Ace shouted as the dragon charged for the 1st Troll bot. Deuce took notice of this "NO!" he shouted as he saw the dragon charged for the 2nd Troll bot. The dragon then got smacked by the 3rd Troll bot and suddenly disappeared with Kirika sent flying backward as her right arm was now wrapped by tiny dragons paralyzing it. Kirika sweatdropped as she looked at the wrapped arm making the others worried. "HAHAHA! Give it up, you can't beat them!" Deuce shouted at her with malice "No, I WON"T GIVE UP!" She switched to full power mode again dodging more missiles, activating The Dragon once again to destroy the 3rd Troll bot. When the Troll bot was destroyed, more missiles were fired. The dragon got hit before blasting them but not long till it disappeared again as Kirika was now in the air and the same dragons that wrapped her right arm this time wrapped her right leg. She took notice of this as she started falling. Her gun turned into a sword as she was falling towards the 4th Troll bot, slicing it before her dragon appeared again as it let out a mighty roar and destroys the 4th one. The dragon looked left and right as Kirika thought 'Where did the other one go?' It looked over as the final Troll bot caught her off guard and got smacked once again with her flying backward "Shoot, That wasn't enough! They're too fast!" She said as she blasts the missiles coming at her again. This time the dragons are now hovering her ears. She noticed that she couldn't hear anything at all. She activated her dragon for the last time to defeat the last Troll bot. The dragon scooped it up into the air and destroyed it as they heard a victorious roar from the dragon. "No! My Troll Bot Squadron!" Deuce screamed in agony. The dragon disappeared one last time as the tiny ones are now hovering over her eyes. "I did it now there's..." Before she finished she started to fall " Rev catch her!" Ace shouted as Rev sped off to catch their falling companion as she transformed into her normal state. A yellow fox with white fur and long chestnut brown hair with the "光明之龙" symbol engraved on her left tricep. Rev caught her and ran back to the team. He placed her down gently as Ace tries to wake her up "Kirika come on, Wake up!" She slowly opened her eyes as they are now dull purple with no shine at all, they were... Lifeless. "Who's there?" she said in a weak voice as her left arm reached to feel who's in front of her "A-Ace?" she asked as she felt his fur. He nodded his head letting her know it's him "S-sorry but, it looks like the dragon took my eyes and ears. Everyone is still here right?" Yes, they are!" He said as he held her hand as magma tears were starting to fall again "Did you guys see that? I took them all down, Not too shabby huh?" Kirika what were you thinking?!" Lexi said as she started to cry "I was hoping that the dragon wouldn't take my arms or legs but with me using it multiple times chances were very slim but the good thing is they didn't take my memories. If it did I wouldn't know what to do literally." She giggled "Kirika you can't joke like that we nearly lost you!" Ace scolded her as he hugged her tight afraid that he might lose her in a matter of seconds. As she felt the heat coming out of him she placed two fingers on his forehead again, cooling the pain and lava tears as there was now blood on his face."You know I've always wanted to tell you guys this but, Thanks for being my friends." They stared at her in shock as Slam went over and gave her a big hug "Aww Slam." She smiled as Lexi looked at Ace as the others hugged her as well "You know," Duck started "You really are a brave hero. And I mean it, I salute you for your sacrifice." everyone stared at him in shock because everyone knows that he only cares about "Numero Uno." but for him to say something like that seriously was just amazingly rare. Ace wiped the blood off his face and looked over to Tech with a serious look "Tech remember the time when we had that battle with TimeSkip?" Tech nodded his head as he remembers "Yes, Why you ask chief?" I'm gonna need you to take her to Dr.Chronikor and send her back through time." Ace said in a serious voice as Tech's eyes widened "Ace isn't that risky with the condition she's in?" I know, find a way to get her to move, see, and hear then let her travel back through time and alter the course of it with Deuce.If she can do that then it should end this war we have now." Ace said as he looked over at his friends and then the yellow fox as his eyes softened. Tech gave it some thought before he responded "That could work but then again she has to do it before her arrival because if she don't our history could be ruined." Then make sure she finishes till then. Take Rev with you back to HQ and do what you can to get her to at least move and hear then come back here ASAP." Got it!" Tech responded, "Come on Rev get Kirika, we're going to HQ!" Tech told him as Slam gave Kirika to Rev as he holds her bridal style "I'm-already-there!" Rev said then sped off with Kirika in his arms as Tech follows. Ace looked over the distance as they were now gone "Good luck Kirika."  He whispered as he heads back towards the gang.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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