Chapter 77: Rings

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"We are gathered here today," Shacklebolt started when Katherine made it down the aisle. Ezra and her, however, were having their own conversation.

Fourth row back on your side, six seats in? she asked through the string of static connected to his temple.

Bryant Harvick. One of my Illvermorny roommates.

Two rows from the back, closest to the aisle?

Sarabeth Blackacre. She was president of the dueling club before me. Will you look back over by Torres? Two of her aurors should have started their sweep by now, Ezra said as his eyes faced forward, a gentle smile curved over his tense jaw.

That's them going now, right? Katherine asked as her magic pivoted around the room. People in the crowd laughed softly, though she had no idea why. She broadened her smile and began skimming through the guests again.

Who are you looking for now?

Chris. I don't know what side he'll have sat on, but I want to know who this date of his is.

I told him not to come, Crawley said, his tone shifting. I'm sorry, I thought I told you.


Last week.

Katherine fought to keep her eyes forward. Why?

I didn't want to leave his mom all alone. Really, it just slipped my mind—

Katherine reached out and took Ezra's hand, squeezing it in hers. I love you.

I love you, too. Do you see any of Otis's magic?

She silently made to answer his question, adding another layer to her sight. She'd not been able to keep her ability to see magic on most of the morning—there was too much in the museum on a good day. Starting at the door, she tried to push aside the rainbow of colors and textures and searched only for the ashen magic.

Not even around your parents, Katherine said, though Crawley could still see the marked absence of the dust. Your mom looks so calm.

Maybe just resigned.

Maybe . . .

It's a good sign, he reminded her. If they're still trying to hide their involvement. It's a good sign.

I suppose that's true—


Katherine let her focus return to her eyes just in time to turn to Ezra, who folded both of his hands around hers and recite, after Shacklebolt, the wizarding vows that didn't sound so different from what they had used at the Burrow.

"I, Ezra Finian Crawley, solemnly swear to take thee, Katherine Ivy Weasley Waine, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, to love and to cherish, to heal and to ward, for better or for worse, until death do us part. From now until my final spell, no curse shall sever what I here bond."

"I, Katherine Ivy Weasley Waine," she returned, "solemnly swear to take thee, Ezra Finian Crawley, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, to love and to cherish, to heal and to ward, for better or for worse, until death do us part. From now until my final spell, no curse shall sever what I here bond."

"The rings, please," Shacklebolt said as he looked to Picquery and Lee. Katherine turned to her man of honor, who held the white gold band that Ezra had traded for hers this morning. When they faced one another again, Kingsley continued, "Ezra, please take the ring you have selected for Katherine and, as you put it on her finger—"

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