Chapter 34: Melinda

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"Gran," Katherine called out as they made it to the Burrow, only then taking out the earbuds. She could hear the clicking of knitting needles coming from the back room. She reverted back to her own face as she took a deep breath, finding it filled with the smell of fresh bread baking in the oven. Sitting on the windowsill was Corliss, who quickly flew over to Katherine's outstretched hands.

"Back here, dear," Molly called out, confirming Katherine's suspicions. "Bring the tea, won't you?"

She kissed the top of Corliss's head, giving her head feathers a good scratch before moving her up to her shoulder. She riffled through the cabinets until she found a mug, pouring the contents of her to-go cup into the much cozier ceramic. She found a still steaming teapot on the counter and took it in the other hand before walking back towards the clicking, Hollinghunt following close behind.

"Hello, love," Molly said as Katherine bent over the back of the couch to kiss her bright cheek. Her hands were tangled in bright yellow yarn that matched many wound balls sitting around her, interspersed with black. Katherine knew enough to recognize the Hufflepuff colors. Seeing Molly's near empty mug, she filled it and set the teapot down on the coffee table.

Angelina looked up from the chair across from Molly. Her eyes appeared tired, as if they'd been focused on the tiny stitches hanging off her needles for too long. Katherine walked over to her and sat on the arm of her chair, draping her arm around the woman's shoulders.

"I recognize this yarn," Katherine said, eyeing the soft red material she was working with. "I always thought you let the needles knit for you, Gran."

"Oh, I do a bit of both depending on what all is happening around here. You didn't happen to see your grandfather, did you?"

"No, he wasn't at the table."

Molly scoffed. "Must be out in that blasted shed where he thinks I don't know he's still hiding those ghouls. Honestly, the moment Charlie can get them to Hogwarts..."

Corliss hopped into Katherine's hands and she slid her fingers through the owl's soft brown feathers. She glanced up at Hollinghunt, who was still standing behind the couch. She had an odd look in her eyes as she glanced around the house. Katherine hadn't been in many wizarding households, but she was sure that Hollinghunt's home looked nothing like this.

"Gran, Angelina, this is Melinda Hollinghunt. She's Crawley's boss."

"Oh, dear me, I didn't even see you there," Molly said, quickly setting the yarn down and standing to shake Hollinghunt's hand. The woman's face still had an odd expression, but it didn't slow her reflexes any. "I'm Molly Weasley. Can I get you anything? Tea? Scone? I have some bread that should be done here any minute, I could make you some soup or—"

"I'm fine, thank you," Hollinghunt answered, holding up her coffee cup.

Angelina stood as well, giving the woman a dazzling smile. Katherine always knew it was part of what made her such a good healer—she had a calm confidence that could make anyone trust her, even when things were difficult or scary.

"Angelina," she said to the auror. "I'm married to Katherine's dad."

Hollinghunt nodded. "Nice to meet you both."

"Come, sit down. Make yourself at home. My son, Charlie, just left for Diagon Alley. That boy is always leaving his things everywhere."

Molly picked up her wand and gave it a flick, sending a stack of books flying out of the other chair and towards the staircase, surely making their way up to Charlie's room.

"So, what are you making?" Katherine asked as Molly picked her yarn back up, continuing to wind it around itself into a ball.

"A graduation present for Dominique—one can never have enough blankets, and I only have so many opportunities to use this yellow."

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