Common Sense

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Seeing Karen hooked up to I.V's my eyes began to gloss over. All this crying was getting out of hand I ain't want her to think ha nigga was soft, but she was my heart and seeing her this way cut me to my core.

Grabbing her hand, I kissed it softly as she opened her eyes slowly.

"You never leave my side do you?" Karen asked, smiling softly.

"And I never will." I kissed her lips. Placing her hand on my face, she kissed me back.

I pecked her lips a few more times. Taking her finger, she wiped the tears from my eyes then brushed the side of my face gently.

"You've been crying? I'm okay babe."

"You my rib ma. I'm not complete without you. Going through that was scary. I don't ever wanna lose you." I admitted.

"You never will. I felt this exact way when you got shot. It felt like a part of me was missing when you weren't here. It's a horrible feeling, but I'm so happy that we have each other."

"That's all I care about. As long as I got you a nigga can breathe. Bae, you should know though Vanessa is putting you on bedrest for two weeks. She also said yo alters gon' have to take a backseat for the rest of this pregnancy. They ain't got no choice cause I'm not finna risk losing you ever again. You ain't going nowhere. You gon' be Mrs. Webster, Ima make sure of it. You bringing my first child into the world. A nigga got all he could ever want, ask for, and dream of. I love you ma." I said.

"I can't wait to be Mrs. Webster. I love you so much." Karen said.

Leaning in, I captured her lips once more. She kissed me with passion as she placed her hand behind my head. It was crazy how much love we had for each other. Placing my head on hers, I kissed her again before speaking.

"There's someone that wants to see you." I said.

"Who?" Karen asked.

Sitting up, I let her hand go before going to the door to open it. J Drew walked in making Karen's eyes light up.

"Hey mama." J Drew said, walking in with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey baby boy. What's wrong?"

"Why you think something wrong?" J Drew asked, looking away.

"You're my son. I know you. Now again... what's wrong?" Karen asked.

Sighing, J Drew walked up to Karen.

"Look mom I first want to start by saying I owe you a huge apology. The way I acted, the way I treated you, the words I said to you.... I was so stupid. I never meant to hurt you and stress you out which resulted in you being here. I got so caught up in my rage that I didn't realize how much I was hurting you. I couldn't see the bigger picture that was behind all of this which is the fact that Dave is your happy and you're his. Dave and I been rocking for a few years now. We've been through a lot of stuff together. We've confided in each other about literally everything and I've told him things that no one else knows, but God. He's always been there for me. Through thick, thin, hell, snow, and rain. There's never been a time where he has never had my back. We may not always agree on things, or see eye to eye but he's a good dude. He's actually one of the real ones out there."

J Drew took a deep breath before looking at me then back at his mother.

"Man, Dave I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong and I was wrong fah how I treated you and my moms. I know this family has endured and been through a lot because of me, and for that I'm extremely sorry. I said a lot of hurtful things that I didn't mean. Sometimes in life you have to go through things in order to learn from your mistakes and I've definitely learned. So, right now I just want to get over this barrier and move forward. Can we do that? Can you both please forgive me?"

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