Start from the beginning

As the three appeared on the porch of the house just to enjoy the gentle breeze that passed by but as X was eating he suddenly picked up a spark of energy and he walked around until he saw the cause of the energy displacement as he saw Nero and Zane's boyfriend Kar's seemingly training for Nero was releasing a great amount of his power, X watched the two from a distance and while he was grateful Nero was training the fact that he went to train with a relatively unknown person was a bitter pill for him to swallow. Before he could approach them however he saw his communicator go off indicating that Lawrence needed him in his lab and he gave the rest of his food to Jodi as he excused himself. She looked down into the plate to see that he hadn't finished

"Dad must be upset not to finish his breakfast", Jodi noted.

"I suppose seeing his son training without him must be hard to take but I wouldn't take it too seriously", Amy replied.

"What makes you say that aunty? Jodi asked curiously.

"This Kar's character looks like a decent enough person but I can see why X is reluctant to accept him into this little family, he's an unknown and he gives off a very strange energy", Amy explained. "If anything we must be wary of him".

Jodi nodded in understanding as she felt her brother's energy flare again.

X and Lawrence were in the lab as they were surveying the extent of the damage of Tadaraki's brain as his sister sat inches away holding his hand as X looked through the scans and back at Tadaraki he gave off a hefty sigh.

"I won't lie to you Tada if Vaughn had been any more direct with his attack you'd be a cripple", X mentioned.

"Is it that bad?" he asked.

"The damage that was done to the right side of your brain has left your powers at a mere 50% of usage", Lawrence explained. "As your vector manipulation relies on your ability to understand and efficiently use the coefficients and variable of each vector you come into contact with it would be extremely risky for you to use more than 30% of your substandard power as if you go above the 50% you would surely die".

The gravity of what Vaughn did to him caused his hand to grip so hard that it turned white despite Tsherahi comforted him he was still downtrodden and X felt bad for the boy after all it was at the risk of Vaughn killing his friends and family that he even did what he did and lost half of his ability to function properly, hell he barely had his sight and had to be using a special ultraviolet glasses that Lawrence had prepared for when he went out into the sun.

"Law surely there must be some way to fix back his brain to the way it was", X pondered.

"There is but it's extremely risky, far riskier than that ridiculous Chrysler Building raid or hunting the 7 Deadly Sins", he told him.

"Well, what is it?" X asked.

"As you see the right side of his brain is still functional or rather it is trying to repair and make up for the loss of power to that side of his body in a sense", Lawrence pointed out "However with the use of a certain technology I would be able to try to recover the dead cells within his brain and allow his power to self heal him".

"Nanites", X stated

"Yes, but it's extremely risky as if it goes wrong then he could likely lose his powers or worse die and neither are scenario is one I would want for the kid", Lawrence admitted.

"When the time comes for that decision to be made I think Tada will make the one he sees best to do", X commented as he looked over Tsherahi cuddling her big brother. "Any luck on finding Melodius's body or rather wherever she got buried?

Family Is More Than Blood Book 2Where stories live. Discover now