Looking at J Drew I could tell that he wanted to give him another chance but he was hesitant.

"J Drew, it's okay to forgive him. I know that you've never been put in this position before, but no one has. This is a new journey for all of you. But that doesn't mean that it can't be a positive one, but you have to make that decision to let it be. Are you willing to forgive him and put this all behind you?" I asked.

"Can we be boys again? I miss you bruh. You my brother for life no matter what you decide." Dave said.

J Drew sighed before looking down.

"Man, honestly I've never been in this position before and I don't know how to exactly deal with it. I know that I'm tired of keeping all this anger inside. I'm not this type of dude. I don't go around wreaking havoc. I'm not made for the street life. I'm done with it for good cause you was right about Ghost. He tried to play me too and I'm honestly tired. It's gon' take some time adjusting and getting use to it, but I'm willing to work on it. So, I can give you another shot and let this situation go."

Everyone sighed in relief as Jacky, Twinkie, and Dorinda looked at each other.

"Bout time you came to yo damn senses boy." Dorinda said.

"I'm sorry auntie." J Drew laughed.

"Wait, so does that mean that you're okay with Dave and Karen dating? Are you going to give him a chance?"

"He really makes mama happy J. I've been around them and I've witnessed it with my own eyes. They're having a little girl. As far as her replacing us with the new baby it's not like that at all. I think that if anything it's just adding on to the family. We're expanding our family in a dope blended family kind of way. I can't wait to meet my little sister." Kierra said, adding on to Twinkie's statement.

J Drew nodded his head okay.

"Yeah, man I'll give you a shot. If you make my mama happy then I'm coo with dat. Just don't hurt my fucking mama bruh. That's all Ima say."

"You got my word bruh. We can shake on it."

Walking up to him, Dave unloosed the ropes off of J Drew and set him free. Standing up, J Drew and Dave dapped up, then hugged.

I smiled to myself as I closed my eyes. My work here was done. It was time for Karen to come back now.

Opening my eyes slowly, I smiled widely realizing I was back to normal and everything was over.

"Mama, you good?" J Drew asked, coming up to me.

"I'm fine son, just perfect actually. Thank you for giving Dave a chance I love you." I placed my hand on his face.

"I love you too ma and I'm sorry for everything. I don't know what I would do without you." J Drew said, holding my hand.

Smiling, my smile suddenly faded as I felt myself began to get faint and before I knew it I'd passed out. Dave caught me before I could hit the floor.

"Yo, what the hell? What's happening?" Dave asked.

"Mommy! Auntie Jac, please help her." Kierra cried.

"Call an ambulance."

Laying me on my back, pillows were grabbed and placed underneath me. Feeling Jacky grab my wrist, she searched for a pulse then put her head against my chest.

"Her breathing is very low. I don't think we'll have time for that ambulance. We need to get her there now! Let's go."

Picking me up bridal style, Dave carried me outside to the car.

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