She was dangerously close to the mouth of one of them. It opened its jaw from behind her, quickly closing in on its target, but then-

She was swept off her feet, two strong arms around her waist. He brought her to a high tree limb, and she fell down onto her knees right away.

"You damn hero! Why didn't you just get away from them!?" Levi scolded the woman, stepping closer to her.

She laughed nervously. "I'm running on fumes! I figured the best I could do was take as many of them out as I could in close-range."

"You can't act so recklessly. You should have come in with the rest of the squad instead of staying behind, you idiot!" He yelled.

She looked up at him, her tone shifting to a serious one. "The 15-meter was an abnormal. One of us needed to take care of it, or no one would have made it out. I won't apologize for my actions, Captain. I know I did the right thing."


"What, are you disagreeing with me?" She stood up. (Y/N) has always been a respectful subordinate, but in private situations like these, Levi is nothing more than her friend. She's not afraid to voice her opinions to him.

"No, (Y/N), I-"

"Then what is it?" She interrupted him.

"I don't want you to put yourself in needless danger for the sake of others. Your life... it's important." He mumbled.

"It's my life, Levi, I can do whatever I want."

"You're clueless, (Y/N). Your life is important... to me."

She took a step back. His tone had shifted from his commanding one to a soft one, and his eyes were downcast. It was like he was embarrassed.

He took a deep breath. "You... mean more to me than the others. That's why I... I can't just let you throw away your life."

She moved closer to him, bringing her finger to lift his chin up to face her. "Levi..."

He lifted his hand to move hers out of the way, but his grip on her lingered. "I care about you, (Y/N). More than I thought I did." He couldn't believe himself. All the words just came tumbling out of his mouth, and his brain hardly had time to process it.

But it seemed (Y/N) got the message, because she offered him a soft smile. "A bit stiff for a confession, Levi, but I'd expect nothing less from you."

She pressed her lips to his cheek, causing the man's face to turn red. She laughed. "I like you too."

He stared wide-eyed at her, searching her expression. He bit his lip in anticipation, as if asking her to go farther with him.

Before he had time to doubt himself and worry about the squad that was surely awaiting his return, her lips were on his.

Despite the rumors around Scout headquarters, Levi had never had a relationship with anyone like this before. He had no idea how romance or courtship worked. He didn't know the ins and outs of initiation or heartfelt gestures.

He was relieved to find that (Y/N) knew exactly what she was doing.

She kissed him gently, aware of his inexperience with these things. Of course, the uncomfortable topic had come up between the two of them over tea. So she was slow with him, wanting him to feel at ease with what was happening.

He seemed to be enjoying himself, completely forgetting about the situation they were in. He was so comfortable he almost lost his balance- (Y/N) wrapped her arms around his waist and held him.

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