Start from the beginning

She had never felt more unfettered. Not since she stopped running.

In a way, the motorbike was surprisingly similar. The way the world blurred around her, her hair blew around wildly as the wind played around with it, a wide smile as the heavy breeze brushed past her skin. At one point, the euphoric feeling had gotten her to let go of her grip around (Y/N)'s waist, putting them out beside her to feel as if she were flying. She felt as if she was, though (Y/N) would laugh at her for such a cheesy remark.

She did, though, truly.

"Is it weird that I'm jealous of the wind?" (Y/N) had at one point yelled back with a glance, wide and smiley as if Kiyoko were some sort of tower of bright beams that radiated exaltation.

"And why is that?" She said loudly, voice breaking through the wind.

"It gets to kiss you whenever it pleases!" And, wow, Kiyoko really did love pretentious poetic (Y/N), her romantic words tugging at her heart as if each letter had some sort of magic string attached to it.

And in her giddy state, Kiyoko leaned down and kissed (Y/N)'s cheek. A dangerous thing to do, given that they were on a moving vehicle that would be thrown over the edge of the road if she lost control.

But, luckily, she didn't, staring at the road with wide eyes as her grip on the throttle tightened, "W- well."

And Kiyoko laughed and shook her head, letting her chin rest on (Y/N)'s shoulder as they went to the mystery destination the (E/C) eyed girl had in store, tucked away in her pocket to take out and show Kiyoko like a child in show-and-tell.


(Y/N)'s POV

"I've never been to this part of the bay before," Kiyoko said, hopping off the motorcycle with the grace that took (Y/N) a good few months to master.

"It's quiet, and school's right across from us. The fireworks are far, but we can still see them. Without the noise, too," She said, tucking her hands into the pocket of her leather jacket, cracked and blemished, but she couldn't let go of the thing. It had been a gift from one of her favourite people, after all.

Kiyoko, who had taken off her shoes and begun the descent down the stairs toward the sandy beach, the light that spilt out of the full moon making it seem as if it were tiny grains of sterling, took notice of the sweet aroma that swam around them, eyes trailing to the plants that grew from either side of stairs. "Oh," She said, "Lavender,"

"Yeah," (Y/N) nodded, "One of the main reasons I like the place so much. The sea breeze doesn't make it too strong, either."

"They're my favourites," The ravenette said softly.

And surprised, (Y/N) faltered as she clipped Kiyoko's helmet to the handle, "M- Mine too,"

Kiyoko looked back at her, eyes twinkling as if a drop of the sky fell into them, "Well, c'mon, then. The fireworks'll be starting soon."


Together they sat on the bottom step, feet burrowed into the soft sand as their hands were centimetres apart, so close they could feel the warmth from the other. The comfort from the heat contrasting made them want to reach out, just touch.

But they didn't.

It's not like they held hands for a large part of the festival, anyway. Totally.

"Did you do them yourself?" Kiyoko asked, the two of them waiting peacefully for the fireworks to start, the tickling of the breeze and faint crashing of the waves filling in any silence. (Y/N) looked at her quizzically, before realizing she was pointing at her piercings.

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