Story 15 - Going back into life (Time to tell Quirin)

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(Varian and Hugo are walking in the streets of Corona.)

Varian – It feels so good to be home!!!

Hugo – I don't live here, but I do want to get a small spot to settle down.

Varian – You mean here?

Hugo – I mean yeah. Come on, you didn't think I was leaving goggle, did you? (Grabs Varian's hands) I love you, Varian. Now that we're a couple, where you are, I want to be.

Varian – I love you too Hugo.

Deep voice – Varian?

(Hugo pulls Varian closer in protection mode.)

Varian – *excited*  Wait! I recognize that voice!!!!!

(Varian runs up and gives Quirin a hug)

Varian – *Says while still hugging him* I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!

Quirin – I missed you two. I've heard the tale from the people. You really are a legend. I'm so proud. (Looks behind Varian and see's, Hugo)

Varian – Oh and this is my friend Hugo.

Hugo – Yeah, and this is my "FRIEND" Varian. (Says while looking at Varian)

Quirin – Yes, I've heard of you. The former thief.

Varian – Dad? Take it easy (Come's up next to Hugo) Hugo is a changed man.

Quirin – Then join us for dinner. It would be a great way to catch up.

Varian – Sure thing dad. But first I want to show Hugo around a bit.

Hugo – Great meeting you. By the way, the light reflects off your windows. Are they breakable?

Quirin – I guess so? I mean it's glass.

Hugo – Oh, you might want to re-enforce it a bit. It would be really easy to sneak in.

Quirin - ....

Varian – *nervously* Ha, Ha, Ha, Not that this isn't great but Hugo and I should really go and check out the rest of Corona. Bye, Dad. (drags Hugo away)

(We cut to Varian's old lab, the classic tall castle-like one)

Hugo – This place is awesome by the way.

Varian – Thanks, what's your favorite part.

Hugo – The privacy. (Grabs Varian's hand and goes to kiss him)

Varian – I agree. It's a very peaceful workplace. *Walks away not even noticing Hugo trying to kiss him*

(Hugo shakes his head in a way of saying I knew that was coming)

Varian – There is something I want to talk to you about.

Hugo – Oh?

Varian – When you were with my dad... Windows? Seriously?

Hugo – What? I was showing I care.

Varian – By talking about robberies and knowing stuff about them. Look, I like you, and I want my dad to too. So maybe....

Hugo – Maybe what?

Varian – Maybe Just try acting a bit more.... Formal?

Hugo – I don't do "Formal" I'm me.....(Hugo said while stepping away from Varian) 

Varian – Maybe instead, a little... professional?

Hugo – What's the fun in that?! . . . Your serious? .... Goggles?

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