Hi Hecate , Hi Harry , hi Hades , too many H's.

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Nico's POV


A world of wizards.


A world of brand new wizard monsters.

not cool.

just so not cool.

I sat on the end of the table gingerly picking my food and letting my black hair dangle into my eyes as I looked at my plate.

"So" began Hecate "as you know I am the godess of " *cough* stupidity for bringing me down here in the middle of breckfast*cough* "magic and crossroads"

"yeah" I answered not looking up while chasing a piece of underworld gunk round my plate with my fork "I knew that"

The way my sis goes on about you , Hecate this , Hecate that , of course I knew that! I thought.

Despite being a little bossy and a tad chatterbox I loved Hazel to bits.

"well" she began twisting her hands in her long sleeves "along time ago I blessed three mortals with the power of magic and now through time they have well , risen "

I lifted an eyebrow .

"their population has grown" she amended "and they call themselves wizards and there is a boy named Harry Potter"

Looking up fully , I crossed my arms and said "so you want me to go and help this" I waved my hand "Larry Motter"

"yes , Harry Potter" she nodded sounding relieved I understood "but" she said.

"but" I muttured under my breath "there's always a but"

"there is a darkness at hand and just like demigods they have there own monsteres" she explained.

"what the hades" I whispered "are you telling me THERE A MORE MONSTERS!" I said my whisper turning dangerously into a shout.

"I HAVE LIVED WITH MONSTERS MY ENTIRE LIFE" I screamed standing up making the goddess cower at how quikly my mood changed .

"It's not her fault" I thought but I couldn't help it as all the resentment and anger built up inside me was being let out.

"I HAVE BEEN THROUGH TARTARUS BY MYSELF AND YOUR TELLing me there's a new race of mon-monsters"

I felt my strenghth crumbling beneath me like sand leaking out a bottle as I crumpled down out my chair"

"Ghost king" said Hecate rushing towards me and all I saw her blurry outline before passing out.

In other words it didn't go very well.

When I woke a shadow of Hades stood over me.

"ahhhh" I screamed but I made no noise .

I twisted and turned with a scared feeling burning in my chest till it all came back to me.

Hades had his back from me and was facing Hecate.

"so he shouted" said Hades nervously .... no it couldn't be , Hades Lord of the underworld couldn't be scared , it made me scoff to myself to even think so.

"yes" replied Hecate. "He did and it drained his energy"

"He can't possibly face Voldermort in this condition , much less defeat him" said Hades

"Who is Mouldyshorts" I thought "these so call wizards have very peculiar names.

I listened intently as Hades was rattling on about this Harry Potter.

"yes I know , I know" replied Hecate wearily.

"good" said Hades "he will have to recover soon and mayby get to know a few other demigods there"

"talking of such" he said turning round to look at me and I immedietly shut my eyes.

Moments ticked past till seeming satisfied he stormed in his Hades fashion right out the room.

Nico di angelo at hogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now