You're Doing Alright, Touya

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Top pic credit: NellyTheArtist

A/N: a warning on this chapter for some suicidal thoughts. I am not glorifying these thoughts in any way, shape, or form. I am simply writing Dabi as I believe he truly is in the manga. How he truly feels.

Dabi POV: ~ present time ~

"Did you hear me, Dabi?" That bitch of a woman asked me again, causing me to groan and down another glass of champagne.

Of course, by that 'bitch of a woman' I'm talking about Euphoria.

And yeah, I heard her. Wish I hadn't, considering she never has anything to say that's actually worth my time. But, ohhh, I fucking heard her, alright; talking about how her dress tonight was imported straight from the river of France itself. Or, something like that. I don't know. I don't care. It's bitchy any way you put it.

"Trying not to hear you. Just sit there and shut up." I muttered uninterestedly, fiddling with the expensive cocktail glass between my fingers as my distracted eyes trailed to the entrance door of the place once more.

Eleven minutes and thirty seconds. It's been eleven minutes and thirty seconds since Violet left to go check out the third floor.

But, who's counting?

Mm. It couldn't be me. Nooo. It couldn't be me, getting all distracted from everything else and imagining what in the fuck Violet could possibly still be doing up there. It couldn't be me, looking over at the door so frequently in the past eleven minutes, that I'm starting to memorize each pretentious decorative swirl that's painted on it. Disgusting.

It couldn't be me, feeling my palms starting to sweat and my heartless chest starting to stir at the possible thoughts that something happened to her. And, I'm sure the migraine starting to ring throughout my ears is just an effect of my third glass of this watered down juice they call 'champagne.'

And it definitely couldn't be my hands starting to smoke atop this shitty gold covered countertop, feeling my fingers twitch and itch in blood lust at the limbs I'd rip apart if my little sapphire was having a problem with someone right now. After all, I've been a little tense lately. Wouldn't mind blowing off some steam by blowing someone's brains out!

That last one's not my fault though. Everyone has different coping mechanisms for stress. Some people go to yoga. Some see a therapist. And some burn the world to ashes! It's really not much different from that other stuff when you think about it.

Euphoria continued talking my ear off at the bar, giving her stupid blue dress and the orange necklace around her neck a touch every now and then. I'm surprised she hasn't noticed I'm not listening, yet. I don't mean that as a compliment either. I mean that if Euphoria thinks she's not being listened to, she'd throw a bitch fit and try to make me listen. Not that I would anyways, though. What I'm saying, is that she's a dumbass. But, she's not a ditz.

Or, at least, I didn't think she was. Her behavior tonight is proving differently.

But, I can't think about that for too long. My mind won't let me think about anything else. It's all become white noise in my head at this point. The shitty music the orchestra keeps repeating over and over in the corner. The tone of Euphoria's voice from next to me. The chatter of the countless privileged people, talking about their meaningless success.

"Fucking hell," I mumbled to myself quietly, caving again and pulling my phone out of the pocket of these stupid dress pants for the countless time in the past eleven-twelve minutes. My cracked screen lit up with no notifications, almost making me chuck the useless thing right then and there to break it completely.

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