03 | early thoughts

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"That's the gist of it, yeah," the dark-haired girl responds. "But there's a lot of focus and power that goes into it. I mean, you're literally altering reality."

"Wow," Cole remarks. "Sounds useful."

She grins, a glint in her black eyes as she winks playfully. "Yeah, so watch out for me."

From their booth, Lemon and Melody watch as Kira and Lloyd head for the buffet together."Awww," Lemon gushes. "Aren't those two just adorable?"

Melody smiles. "They sure do have chemistry."

"I mean, they're kind of sickening in my opinion," Apollo remarks as they walk past, a bit of a bounce in their step. "Personally, I'm hoping one of them loses, and I'm bettin' on the Green Ninja."

"I don't know if you've noticed, but he's...well, the Green Ninja. He's more powerful than, like, all of us combined," Melody points out. "I wouldn't want any trouble with him."

"That's exactly why he needs to go!" Apollo insists. "The sooner he's out, the better for the rest of us, right?"

"Why so negative?" Lemon frowns. "We're not enemies here. What happened to friendly competition?"

"You heard Chen! Only one can remain."

"You sound like you really wanna be that one."

"Of course I do!" Apollo chirps. "I'm one of the strongest fighters here, anyway. Certainly stronger than you, little girl." Lemon flinches and frowns deeper at them, looking indignant.

"Hey, don't talk to her like that!" Melody interjects, scowling at the older fighter. "All she's done is stay positive. Would it kill you to do the same?"

"Yes." Apollo's intense violet eyes snap to her. "And I'd watch who you're talking to if I were you, girly."

She bristles. "I'm not scared of you."

"You should be."

Melody's on her feet in an instant, hands clenched into fists. "Listen, I'm not sure what your problem is, but I will gladly put you in your place—"

"Hey, that's enough!" Lemon slips between the two Elementals and pushes them apart. "The Tournament doesn't start 'till this evening. Until then, there's no need to fight."

There's stillness for a moment. Melody and Apollo keep glaring at each other, neither party willing to back down. It's not until two guards start approaching that Apollo huffs and turns on their heel, stalking away to the nearest corner.

"Thanks for sticking up for me," Lemon says once they're gone. "Some people are just so sour."

Melody scoffs. "Tell me about it."

Rose watches the altercation from a booth of her own.  As much as she'd love to socialize with other people, little incidents like that are exactly why she stops herself every time. Truthfully, she's always been a bigger fan of watching people than talking to them. She observes it all from her seat: everyone's faces, their unique features, and little things like the way their voices fluctuate or their mannerisms. Everyone has something special about them, and quite frankly, it's beautiful to her.

"Hey! Rose, right?"

The girl jumps, startled from her thoughts, and looks up to see Taylor grinning down at her.

"Y-yes," she stammers. "That's me. You're Taylor, right? Master of Space?"

"In the flesh." She flashes a friendly smile. "I was talking with Jay and couldn't help but notice you sitting alone. Mind if I join you?" Rose's eyes narrow the slightest bit, but she doesn't object.

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