Twenty Seven

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*Splinter's POV*

I had to tell my sons. Michelangelo already knew and slightly proved my suspicions, but the others had to know.

But how was I to tell them? Maybe when Kitanna was out with April or something.

I didn't know. This itself was overwhelming. I had to go and check on the children. I was hoping that Kitanna would be better. They gave me quite the scare.

I just hoped I could keep my cool.


*Leo's POV*

Kitanna released from the hug and attempted to wobble to the table. Raph helped her sit back on the table.

"You should take a load off. You had quite the beating," Donnie stated.

"But I feel..." Kitanna began.

"Don't try that again," Raph scolded.

Kitanna smiled so her cat teeth showed perfectly. "Why not?" She teased.

"My question is," Donnie spoke up, "How? I mean, we're more
than grateful that you're alright, but that was a hard beating your took."

"I understand," Kitanna replied. "Even I'm perplexed. I can feel my
ribs out of place, my lung barely moving, but... I can move..."

April had a thoughtful look planted on her face. "Kitanna, didn't you say something about the chemical Donnie made and how it could possibly have molecular level changes?"

She nodded in reply. "Since the chemical was supposed to split a mutant in two, it's unstable position allowed it to split..." her face dawned with realization. "Cells. That's it!"

Donnie then realized it too. "The chemical created could have that effect..."

"And since Shredder destroyed and used it's chemical make up to create the spray you were soaked in..." she looked at me. "You should be gaining strength as well."

"What does this mean?" I asked, regaining my focus on this subject.

Raph spoke up. "It means we're gonna be stronger than ever before," he realized.

"Aww, yeah! Michelangelo's gonna get more muscle to throw water balloons!" Mikey cheered.

"But how can we know she's correct?" Donnie questioned.

Kitanna turned to him. "I felt the blood sample you took. Try experimenting with that," she smirked.

Donnie stood, shocked and relieved. "O-Okay..." he replied sheepishly. He hurried over to an experiment and began working.

I let my thoughts wonder back to when Mikey showed the evidence in the dojo.

"This is the picture Master Splinter had, and this is the picture that Kitanna had."

"So... if Kitanna is Yukiko, then is Karai...?" I replied.

"We don't know. But this is great! Splinter can be reunited with his long lost daughter!" Mikey exclaimed.

"But if she's Sensei's, then what about... Raph?"

Mikey stopped cheering at that point. "I don't know. Maybe he... maybe..." he sighed. I don't know," he responded sadly.

And that was when he left to tell the others.

"This will be a while. You can all go off and do your own stuff. I'll call you in when I get the results," Donnie stated, not looking up from the microscope.

I shuffled out of the room behind everyone else.

Raph and Kitanna stayed in the room to keep Donnie company.

I sat on the couch and thought. I felt guilt and anger and multiple other emotions flying through my veins.

April noticed my uncertainty and sat beside me.

"You okay?" She asked softly.

I nodded. "I just... this is all my fault. I should never have made Casey follow us. I should have been more trusting! I flipping beat her earlier with nothing but hate, and now..." I sighed. "I feel like my heart is being eaten."

April gave me the look. "What are you talking about?! This wasn't your fault! You weren't the one that tried to kill her, you didn't try to have her join the bad side, and you didn't kidnap her as a child!" April gasped and covered her mouth with her hand.

"What?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"I... uh... Do you feel bad because Raph likes her?" She covered.

"...Kind of... But, I'll tell you this, but you can't tell anyone else."

She nodded vigorously in response.

"Okay." I took a deep breath. "I'm jealous. Raph likes the sister of the girl I like, and he is doing better at it than I ever could!"

Let's just say April's mouth opened so wide the titanic could fit in it.


*Raph's POV*

I sat watching Kitanna. It sounds creepy, I know, but I don't know why I was.

What was happening? Am I going soft? Grragh! This is so irritating!

The silence was making it all the worse. So I tried sparking a conversation.


Kitanna turned her head to me. Her still green eyes were piercing my own.

"...How did it feel to, uh, roar like that?" What? Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Kitanna smiled. "It felt... overpowering. My throat ached, but it felt good to release some of the anger from the bottle."

I raised an eyebrow. "Huh?"

She realized what she said. "Oops. Well, I might as well tell someone." She turned her whole body so she was facing me entirely. "When I get angry, I put it in a metaphoric bottle inside myself. I can never control it unless it's contained. But now Donnie's chemical seems to be speeding up my bodily intake of anything... I can't control it at all."

I backed up slightly. If she was angry... "You have a bad temper?"

"Yes. Mainly when I was smaller, I would get so mad at my sister and..." she chuckled slightly. "Sit on her until she apologized."

I laughed. "That's what I do to Mikey!"

"And me," Donnie butt in.

I growled at him. Kitanna laughed. "Don't worry, Raph. Anger may be hard to tame, but you can always defeat it with a little smile." She looked at me. "So, let's see it."

"Huh?" I replied. I was distracted by her ears. They were so... cute? No, uh... cool? I don't know...

"Smile!" she exclaimed.

I looked at her and smirked.

"Not like that," she stated. She smiled so wide that all 32 of her teeth showed. "Show your sparkly whites!"

I laughed and smiled at her. "Happy now?"

She clapped her hands lightly like a two year old. "More than happy! You've made my day. You have the best smile," she complimented.

I blushed slightly. "And you have the most amazing laugh," I blurted. I felt my complexion go pale. Did I... did she...?

She smiled a small smile and blushed a little. "Thank you," she murmured.

"Well, now that you two love birds are done," Donnie stated, picking up some papers. "I think you'll be interested in what I found."

***End Twenty Seven***

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